Why you should learn Chinese from a non-native speaker

Why you should learn Chinese from a non-native speaker

Chinese is a notoriously difficult language to learn, but its mastery is essential for international communication and understanding. While it might seem counterintuitive, learning Chinese from a foreign non-native speaker can offer surprising advantages. In this article, we will discuss the unique perspective and methods that non-native speakers can bring to the table, making Chinese learning more enjoyable, logical, and efficient for adults.

I remember when I was learning Chinese for the first time, and the whole learning experience was in Chinese. The teacher wouldn’t speak in English because this was assumed as the easiest way to learn Chinese – to be totally immersed.

While I agree that it’s important to learn a language in a totally immersed environment, I think it needs balance. I felt that I was lost almost 90% of the time in the classes, and that it was very inefficient. It could have saved so much time if the teacher just explained to me in very simple terms, what those damn characters meant!

In this article I’m going to share why I think beginners need to learn Chinese characters from non-native Chinese speakers.

This doesn’t go for pronounciation and speaking and communication which I think needs to be learnt from a native Chinese speaker.

Chinese Learning: Traditional Approaches

Traditionally, Chinese people learn their language through rote memorization, writing, and rewriting characters until they are ingrained in their memory. This method is time-consuming and may not be the most effective way for adult learners with more developed and logical brains and less available time.

Adults vs. Children: Learning Methods

There is a common misconception that adults learn languages more slowly than children. However, this is not necessarily true; the difference lies in the time and method of learning. Adults require different learning approaches that cater to their logical thinking and more limited time.

Making Chinese Learning Fun and Logical

A non-native Chinese speaker who has learned the language as an adult can offer a different perspective on learning Chinese. They can design lessons that focus on making the learning process fun, interesting, and logical, appealing to the natural curiosity of adult learners.

Understanding the Evolution of Chinese Characters

Native Chinese speakers often learn their language by rote and may struggle to see the connections between characters and their evolution over time. For example, the character ๅฅฝ (hวŽo) means “good,” but most native speakers don’t recognize that it is composed of ๅฅณ (nวš) – “woman” and ๅญ (zว) – “child.” Understanding these connections can help learners appreciate the origin and meaning of Chinese characters, making the learning process more engaging.

Filling the Knowledge Gap with Non-Native Speakers

Most Chinese language courses in China don’t emphasize the logical connections between characters and their origins. Non-native Chinese speakers can fill this knowledge gap by teaching adult learners in a way that is more suited to their needs.

Learning Chinese from a non-native speaker can provide adult learners with a fresh and logical approach to understanding the language. By focusing on the connections between characters and their evolution, making learning fun and interesting, and catering to the unique needs of adult learners, non-native Chinese speakers can help students overcome the challenges of learning Chinese and unlock the beauty of this ancient and complex language.

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