Why you need a niche to succeed in social media

Why you need a niche to succeed in social media

1 Niche

There are nearly 8 billion people in the world. We all have a diverse number of interests. If everyone in the world is posting about their lives and interests everything becomes very messy.

It’s extremely unlikely that there are many others who are interested in all your interests. If you are posting about everything then you’re not going to have enough depth to post something that is better than others.

But what makes you different to everyone else? What 1 thing do you do better or have more knowledge about? If you can focus on that and be the best in the world in that topic, then all the people who are interested in that topic will want to follow and learn from you. This applies to instagram, Youtube, blogs and every other social media platforms, and also companies.

The challenge is to find something that you are interested in and won’t tire of. It’s fine to post on a number of topics at the start to find what hits the spot before focusing.

1 Platform

For the same reason as finding your niche, it’s better to focus on one platform. It’s really hard to build an audience on multiple platforms at the same time, but its much easier to focus all that effort on one platform and then move into other ones.

Which platform you choose depends on which you are naturally better at, which better suits your niche, and your interests.

What Success Looks Like

There is such a big difference between being the top 1 in the world on a specific topic, vs being in the top 50% at one or many topics. Pretty much 90% of the returns will go to to those who are the best in the world. There isn’t that much more effort to be there. It’s just about focus on one thing.

How do you find your niche?

This article is great

  1. Find where your passions and skills meet. …
  2. Narrow it down. …
  3. Think about your future with the niche. …
  4. Scope out the competition. …
  5. Analyze your audience. …
  6. Don’t be afraid of experimentation.

For me, my potential topics are:

  • English guy in China (to Chinese audience in Chinese)
  • Marketing strategies
  • Building a business – what I’m learning
  • Economics and investing
  • Studying in China (for international students)

I’m still in experimenting phase by creating various types of content and will choose a niche and platform soon.

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