Does a blog need a niche to be successful?

Does a blog need a niche to be successful?

In social media platforms such as instagram and podcasts it’s very important to have a niche to be successful.

Why you need a niche on social media:

  1. Competition – Lots of people are blogging online about different topics. If you are posting about everything then you’re not going to have enough depth to post something that is better than others. It’s going to be 50% as good as someone who is posting about with 100% the effort.
  2. Customers – It’s very unlikely that someone has the same diverse interests as you, so the target market for someone who likes fishing and painting, and your family, is going to be much smaller than the people who like fishing. So it might be better to focus on one of those like fishing.

Is it the same on blogging?

It might not be the same on blogging, because you have more control over your site and you can create subsections of your site. For example if you like fishing and painting, you could make one part which is about fishing and one part about painting.

Fishing might not do as well as if you focused your time exclusively on it, but it could still do well.

Some people don’t need a niche

  • People who are famous are likely to be able to write about themselves and their interests becuase people are interested in them
  • People who write about a variety of different topics such as a documentary producer, or a photographer, but that is in itself kind of a niche.

The problems of choosing a niche:

  • It’s hard to choose a niche when you have many interests
  • You might get tired of that one niche

Starting Strategy

If you are feeling pressure to choose a niche when you don’t really want to, it might be better to start out doing a wide variety of topics and seeing what is attractive and does well and what you enjoy. You can always focus on a niche later by doubling down on your most popular topic.

Why I don’t have a niche

I write about: investing, learning, growing, and anything I’m learning about. The reason I’m actually writing blogs is for selfish reasons – to learn and grow and I do that by writing. So I think it’s ok for me to not choose a niche, and I think its ok for others not to aswell.

If you don’t like it you can always go elsewhere 😛

Other Opinions

This is quite a debated subject in blogging, and lots of people disagree with this. You can read more about the debate here.

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