110 benefits of reading

110 benefits of reading

“My mind, having been much more improved by reading than Keimer’s, I suppose, it was for that reason my conversation seemed more valued” 

Benjamin Franklin

What are the benefits of reading?

Recently, for the last 7-10 days Beijing has been under a kind of lockdown and I’ve made a point of not checking my phone, instead I’ve been reading in all my spare time. I’ve read about 7 books. I’ve found that I feel much better in unexpected ways. My mind feels more full, satisfied, and stimulated. I’ve had some zoom calls and other call, and I feel faster quicker and more concise, effective and better at communication, I’m able to better explain more complex points with ease.

There are lots more successful people who are readers.

But what are the benefits of reading?

Reading is good for you because it improves your focus, memory, empathy, and communication skills. It can reduce stress, improve your mental health, and help you live longer. Reading also allows you to learn new things to help you succeed in your work and relationships.

Here are some of mine:

  • Reading Exercises the Brain.
  • Reading is a Form of (free) Entertainment.
  • Reading Improves Concentration and the Ability to Focus.
  • Reading Improves Literacy.
  • Reading Improves Sleep.
  • Reading Increases General Knowledge.
  • Reading is Motivational.
  • Reading Reduces Stress.

Here are 100 more reasons reading is good for you

My personal reading journey

When I was younger, I found reading quite boring.

My parents always shared with me the importance of reading, and tried to encourage me to read more.

I was never that interested in it compared to playing computer games, or watching TV. Compared to tv and computer games, reading feels more like WORK.

But I did find one book I liked, and that was Adrian Mole. I read the entire series.

I do think that it would have been much better for me if I did read more when I was younger. I would probably be smarter now, and more knowledgable. One of the main advantages I have from reading is that it helps to give a much bigger perspective, and helps you to think bigger. You can see across history and geographies, and your life and your worries feels so much smaller in comparison. You also get a bigger vision.

Just like elon musk used to devour books, and so many other great people in our history. I believe that was essential for their success.

When you are young, you feel like you have a lot of time, when you are 9, your whole existence is another 9 years before you become an adult, you only have memory for about 6 years, in some ways it feels like you are never going to grow up.

But you do grow up fast, and the time you have now is precious.

George Bernard Shaw once wrote that “Youth is the most precious thing in life; it is too bad it has to be wasted on young folks.”

It’s true that most children do waste their youth.

It’s important to invest it wisely in reading. I believe this to be more important than studying at school. It can help you to get ahead of the other students.

There is a saying that “Child is father of the man” is an idiom originating from the poem “My Heart Leaps Up” by William Wordsworth. ” There are many different interpretations of the phrase, the most popular of which is that man is the product of habits and behavior developed in youth.

So as a child, you are going to design the person you will become. That’s why it’s important to create a vision for your future, and you will design and create the person that you are going to become.

Don’t become a person by chance, or by random by the people around you.

How to find good books to read?

I think it can be hard to find good books.

Investing in books is one of the best investments you can make, so check out amazon.com and buy 5 books, and have a try!

” An Investment in knowledge pays the best dividends”- Benjamin Franklin

It’s also something that nobody can ever take away from you. It’s an investment in your future.

Set a small goal to read 10 pages a day, in the morning or just before bed.

Check out some of the books I reviewed on Youtube here.

Let me know in the comments, what do you think are the benefits of reading?

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