Reality Transurfing Vadim Zeland – Book Summary

Reality Transurfing Vadim Zeland – Book Summary

TLDR Summary: “Choose Your Reality”

“You do not have to fight for happiness. You simply have to choose an alternative reality that is more to your liking.”

“Reality Transurfing” is a series of books written by Vadim Zeland. The main idea behind Reality Transurfing is a somewhat esoteric and unconventional view of reality. The books mix concepts of quantum physics, Eastern philosophy, and Zeland’s own theories about human psychology and the structure of reality.

Key concepts in Reality Transurfing include:

  1. The Space of Variations: Zeland describes reality as a field of infinite possibilities, where everything that can happen is already existing in this space. He suggests that people can choose their own path through these possibilities.
  2. Pendulums: These are described as energetic entities or thought structures that feed on the emotions and energies of individuals. Zeland warns that getting too caught up in these pendulums can lead to loss of personal energy and autonomy.
  3. Importance Balancing: According to Zeland, placing too much importance or emotional investment in any desire or goal creates excess potential in the universe, leading to undesired outcomes. By reducing the level of importance, one can supposedly achieve better outcomes.
  4. The Principle of Coordination: This principle posits that by acting in harmony with the universe and your environment, you can more effectively navigate the space of variations to achieve your desired outcomes.
  5. Intention and Slide Technique: Zeland emphasizes the power of intention – a focused and conscious decision to achieve a specific outcome. The slide technique involves visualizing the desired outcome in detail, as a way to manifest it in reality.
  6. The Mirror Principle: This principle suggests that your external reality reflects your internal state. Changing your attitudes and beliefs can therefore change your external circumstances.

Reality Transurfing has been criticized for its pseudoscientific approach and lack of empirical evidence. However, it has also gained a substantial following among people who find its alternative perspective on reality and personal development to be empowering and insightful. The ideas in Reality Transurfing often resonate with individuals interested in self-help, spirituality, and alternative theories of reality.

Top 10 Quotes from the Book

  1. “The world is a mirror that reflects your attitude towards it.” – This quote encapsulates the Mirror Principle, suggesting that your external reality is a reflection of your internal state.
  2. “When you desire something, your desire comes from a place of not having it.” – This highlights the concept of importance balancing and the idea that excessive desire can create imbalance.
  3. “If you are not satisfied with what you have, be satisfied with what you have.” – A paradoxical statement encouraging contentment and a balanced approach to desires and aspirations.
  4. “Freedom is the right to choose: the right to create for oneself the alternatives of choice.” – This emphasizes the power of personal choice in navigating through the space of variations.
  5. “Instead of fighting for a place under the sun, find your own sun.” – A metaphor for seeking personal fulfillment and happiness rather than competing within societal norms.
  6. “Pendulums will try to hook your attention, but it is up to you to decide whether to give it to them or not.” – This quote is about the concept of pendulums and the importance of guarding your energy and focus.
  7. “Reality is not a fixed state, it is its variability that gives us the opportunity to shape it.” – A reflection on the fluid nature of reality and the human potential to influence it.
  8. “Excess potential is created by our minds. When we assign too much importance to something, we create an imbalance.” – This quote talks about the danger of overvaluing things, events, or goals.
  9. “By reducing the importance of a problem, you deprive it of its foundation.” – This is a practical application of the concept of importance balancing in problem-solving.
  10. “The heart has its own intelligence. When the mind and heart are in harmony, life flows effortlessly.” – A statement on the importance of aligning one’s emotional and rational selves.

Some Additional Thoughts


In accordance to Transurfing, people who think in the same direction create invisible energy-informational structures that directly affect us in a daily life.

They are called “pendulums” or “egregores”.

Essentially pendulum is sort of a “thought condensate” — a soul of a thing, idea, doctrine, organization, ideology or anything that has admirers, supporters, followers, and fanatics.

There are many different kinds of pendulums.

Pendulums can be religious, political, familial, national or corporate. A pendulum can reveal itself during some massive public event, a football game for example. Many material things that we value start to have pendulums, for example, new iPhone or money.

Once they appear pendulums can put people that created them under control. They don’t have a consciousness. Their sole purpose of existence is to draw energy from the followers.

The bigger the followership that feeds the pendulum with energy the more powerful is the pendulum. If the amount of followers decreases its vibrations die out and it dissipates.

Most of the pendulums have destructive nature because they drain energy from their followers and oppress them. Pronounced examples of pendulums are the pendulums of war, economic crisis, and criminal gangs.

A pendulum opposes its followers to other groups (We are good and they are bad). A pendulum aggressively accuses everyone that didn’t decide to become a follower and tries either to attract or to neutralize/destroy him.

It doesn’t matter whether you love or hate something, it doesn’t matter if you fight for it or against it. In both cases, you are swinging a pendulum and it becomes stronger by feeding on your energy. A pendulum doesn’t care if the energy is negative or positive, both work equally well.

The main objective of the pendulum is to hook you up. The means are not important, the goal is to keep you busy thinking about it giving away your mental energy. The most common method of getting access to your energy by pendulum is disbalancing you. When you lose your balance you start to “swing” on the frequency of a pendulum allowing it to gain more momentum. A pendulum may control you with fear, inferiority complexes, sense of guilt, and false importance.

For instance, when a pendulum captures your mental energy, your attention in a loop and you tune into its resonance frequency — you get mad, annoyed, feel anger and resent. By doing this you give away your energy at the same time moving to the variation where there is an excess of the things that you are futilely trying to avoid. You start to have a feeling that things that you afraid of, despise, or hate, chase you everywhere.

You can’t fight a pendulum. There are only two ways to get out of the influence of a pendulum: cause it to collapse or extinguish it.

So the second rule of Transerfing is:

In order to get rid of a pendulum, first, you need to admit that it exists and it has a right to do so. You have to calm down and lose interest towards it i.e. ignore it. By doing so you will deprive it of your mental energy.

When you are calm and indifferent towards it you can save your energy and use it to transfer to positive variations of life. If you start to get annoyed simply “rent yourself out”, step outside of the situation and become an observer, not an active participant.

Extinguishing of a pendulum requires certain mastery. Basically, you have to start doing offbeat unpredictable actions that will cause a dissonance and disrupt the scenario of a pendulum.

Of course, not all pendulums are destructive. There are many harmless pendulums like a pendulum of sport and healthy lifestyle.

Medium is a pendulum too. It has its gravity, and many people including me feed it with energy of attention. But energy structures like this are beneficial for followers on an individual level and as a group.

Pendulums Explained Another Way

In Vadim Zeland’s “Reality Transurfing,” a pendulum is a metaphor for structures or entities that feed on the energy of human emotions and thoughts. These pendulums can be social movements, ideologies, organizations, or even habitual thought patterns. They gain strength from the attention and energy they receive from individuals. To extinguish or detach from a pendulum, Zeland suggests several strategies:

  1. Reduce Importance: One of the key principles of Reality Transurfing is reducing the level of importance you assign to things. By consciously deciding that a pendulum (like a certain fear, worry, or social pressure) is not as significant as you previously thought, you can reduce its influence over you.
  2. Awareness and Conscious Choice: Become aware of the pendulums that affect you. Recognize when your emotions or thoughts are being influenced by an external pendulum. Once you’re aware, you can make a conscious choice not to participate in the energy of that pendulum.
  3. Neutral Observation: Instead of emotionally reacting to a pendulum, practice observing it neutrally. By not engaging with it emotionally or mentally, you stop feeding it your energy.
  4. Positive Focus: Redirect your focus and energy towards positive or constructive thoughts and activities. Engaging in things that genuinely make you happy or fulfilled can naturally decrease the influence of negative pendulums.
  5. Cultivate Inner Harmony: Aligning your heart and mind, as Zeland suggests, can create a state of inner harmony that makes it harder for pendulums to sway you. This involves listening to your inner voice and intuition, and making choices that resonate with your true self.
  6. Energy Conservation: Be mindful of where your energy goes. By conserving your emotional and mental energy, and not letting it be drained by external forces (pendulums), you strengthen your own position.
  7. Disengagement: Sometimes, the best way to extinguish a pendulum is simply to disengage from it entirely. This could mean physically removing yourself from situations or environments where the pendulum is strong, or mentally deciding to stop participating in its dynamics.

It’s important to note that Zeland’s approach in “Reality Transurfing” is metaphysical and not based on empirical evidence. The concept of pendulums is a metaphorical tool for understanding how external influences can impact our thoughts and emotions. The strategies to extinguish pendulums are more about personal empowerment and mental discipline rather than literal actions.

It is not enough to close your heart from the external negative energy. You shouldn’t be a source of it. Close your mind to bad news and open it for good. You need to carefully nurse and cherish the smallest positive changes and successes. Those are the harbingers of the Wave of Luck.

Excessive Potentials Explained

In Vadim Zeland’s “Reality Transurfing,” the concept of “excessive potentials” is fundamental. It refers to the imbalances created in one’s life and the surrounding reality due to the overemphasis or overvaluation of certain things, events, emotions, or desires. Here’s a breakdown of this concept:

  1. Origin of Excessive Potentials: According to Zeland, when we assign too much importance or emotional investment to any aspect of our lives, whether it’s a goal, fear, desire, belief, or even a personal attribute, we create an excessive potential. This is because we are disturbing the balance of the natural energy field with our heightened focus and emotional charge.
  2. Effects on Reality: Excessive potentials can distort one’s perception of reality and lead to unintended consequences. For example, if you excessively worry about a problem, you might inadvertently magnify its impact in your life, attracting more negative outcomes. Similarly, being overly attached to a specific goal or outcome can create an imbalance that makes achieving it more difficult.
  3. Balancing Forces: In Reality Transurfing, the universe is seen as seeking balance. When an excessive potential is created, balancing forces are believed to come into play to neutralize the imbalance. This often manifests in ways that counteract the initial overemphasis. For example, extreme fear can lead to the very outcomes feared, or intense desire can push away the object of desire.
  4. Reducing Importance: One of the key practices in Transurfing to counteract excessive potentials is to reduce the level of importance assigned to various aspects of life. By consciously diminishing the emotional and mental energy invested in desires, fears, expectations, or beliefs, one can restore balance and reduce the impact of balancing forces.
  5. Living in Harmony: Zeland advocates for living in a state of harmony and equilibrium, where one’s desires and goals are pursued without excessive emotional charge or importance. This approach is seen as leading to a more fluid and effortless interaction with reality, where one’s intentions can manifest more naturally without the resistance created by excessive potentials.

In summary, excessive potentials in Reality Transurfing are about the imbalance created by our overvaluation or intense emotional investment in certain aspects of life. Zeland’s approach suggests that by reducing the level of importance and seeking balance, we can navigate life more effectively and harmoniously.

But how to resolve this if you have a goal that you really really want to achieve? How to stop pushing it away?

If you’re deeply invested in achieving a goal and are putting all your effort into it, the challenge in the context of Reality Transurfing’s concept of excessive potentials is to pursue your goal passionately while maintaining a balanced perspective. Here’s how you can approach this:

  1. Moderate the Level of Importance: Recognize that while your goal is significant, it’s not the only thing that defines you or your happiness. This doesn’t mean you care less about your goal; rather, it’s about avoiding the trap of over-attachment or desperation, which can create negative energies and outcomes.
  2. Focus on the Process, Not Just the Outcome: Enjoy the journey towards your goal. Instead of fixating solely on the end result, find satisfaction in the daily steps and progress you make. This approach helps in reducing the pressure of the outcome and makes the journey more fulfilling.
  3. Cultivate a Positive Mindset: Maintain a positive, yet realistic, outlook. Believe in your ability to achieve your goal, but also be prepared for different outcomes. This balanced mindset helps in managing expectations and reducing the creation of excessive potentials.
  4. Practice Detachment: This doesn’t mean you stop caring about your goal. Instead, it’s about emotional and mental detachment from the outcome. You do your best but understand that there are factors beyond your control, and being overly attached to a specific outcome can be counterproductive.
  5. Stay Flexible and Open to Alternatives: Sometimes, the path to our goal isn’t linear. Be open to alternative paths and possibilities that might lead you to your goal, or to something equally or more fulfilling.
  6. Use Visualization Wisely: Visualize achieving your goal, but in a way that feels natural and not forced. The idea is to create a positive mental image that supports your efforts, without creating an excessive potential through over-attachment to that image.
  7. Maintain Emotional Equilibrium: Keep your emotions in check. High emotional volatility can create excessive potentials. Strive for emotional intelligence where you understand and manage your emotions effectively.
  8. Self-Reflection and Awareness: Regularly reflect on your motivations, thoughts, and emotions. Self-awareness can help you identify when you’re creating excessive potentials and adjust your perspective accordingly.
  9. Balancing Effort with Letting Go: Put in your best effort, but also understand when to let go. Sometimes, relentless effort without recognition of the right timing or harmony can be counterproductive.
  10. Seek Joy in the Present: Find joy and fulfillment in your current life, independent of your goal. This helps in reducing the pressure on the achievement of the goal to be the sole source of happiness.

Remember, the key according to Reality Transurfing is not to suppress your desires or ambitions but to approach them in a balanced and harmonious way, reducing the tension and anxiety that come from overvaluing the goal or being overly attached to a specific outcome.


How to recognise a wave of fortune?

Recognizing a “wave of fortune” in your life involves identifying a period or series of events where things seem to be unusually favorable, successful, or positive. This concept can be subjective and may vary greatly from person to person, depending on their individual goals, values, and circumstances. However, there are some common indicators that might suggest you’re experiencing a wave of fortune:

  1. Series of Positive Events: You may notice a string of successes or positive outcomes, whether in your personal life, career, or other areas. These events often seem to happen effortlessly or with less struggle than usual.
  2. Opportunities and Open Doors: New and unexpected opportunities might present themselves. This could include job offers, new relationships, or unexpected financial gains.
  3. Increased Confidence and Optimism: During a wave of fortune, you might feel more confident and optimistic about your future. This positive mindset can further fuel your success.
  4. Synchronicities and Coincidences: You may experience meaningful coincidences or synchronicities that seem to guide you towards beneficial outcomes.
  5. Feedback from Others: Friends, family, or colleagues might comment on your good luck or the positive changes they notice in your life.
  6. Gut Feeling or Intuition: You might have a strong sense of being in the right place at the right time, or a feeling that everything is falling into place as it should.
  7. Ease and Flow: Tasks and challenges that might have previously been difficult seem to resolve themselves more easily, or you find you’re able to navigate them with less resistance.
  8. Alignment with Personal Goals and Values: The events and opportunities that present themselves are not just positive, but they align well with your long-term goals and personal values.

It’s important to note that recognizing a wave of fortune also involves a degree of mindfulness and self-awareness. Being attuned to your circumstances and how they are unfolding can help you identify when you might be experiencing a particularly fortunate phase in your life. Additionally, it’s crucial to acknowledge that waves of fortune can be temporary, and maintaining a balanced perspective is important even during times of great success.

Wave of Fortune

Recognizing and following a wave of fortune involves a combination of self-awareness, observation, and action. Here’s how you can do it:

Recognizing a Wave of Fortune

  1. Mindfulness and Reflection: Regularly practice mindfulness and self-reflection to become more aware of your life’s patterns. Journaling or meditating can help you notice trends and changes in your circumstances.
  2. Track Successes and Opportunities: Keep a record of your successes, opportunities, and positive events, no matter how small. This can help you identify when these are occurring more frequently.
  3. Listen to Feedback: Pay attention to what people around you are saying. If others are noticing your good fortune or commenting on positive changes in your life, it might be a sign.
  4. Notice Your Feelings and Intuition: Be attentive to your feelings and gut instincts. If you consistently feel optimistic, confident, and like things are falling into place, you might be riding a wave of fortune.
  5. Observe Ease and Flow: Notice when tasks or goals are being achieved with unusual ease or when problems seem to solve themselves.

Following a Wave of Fortune

  1. Stay Open to Opportunities: Be receptive to new possibilities, even if they’re outside your usual scope. A wave of fortune often brings unexpected opportunities.
  2. Take Calculated Risks: Consider taking some well-thought-out risks. If you’ve been waiting for the right time to start a new project or make a big change, this might be it.
  3. Maintain Positive Mindset: Cultivate optimism and a positive outlook. This can help attract more positive experiences and opportunities.
  4. Be Proactive: Don’t just wait for good things to happen. Use this period of good fortune to actively pursue your goals and dreams.
  5. Practice Gratitude: Acknowledge and appreciate your successes and good fortune. Gratitude can amplify positive experiences.
  6. Give Back: Share your good fortune with others. This could be through mentoring, helping others, or charity.
  7. Stay Grounded: Keep a balanced perspective. Remember that waves of fortune can ebb and flow, so it’s important to stay grounded and prepared for different circumstances.
  8. Plan for the Future: Use this time to build a foundation for the future. Invest in your skills, save money, or work on long-term projects.


  • Avoid Overconfidence: While confidence is good, overconfidence can lead to risky decisions. Keep your decisions and actions balanced and well-considered.
  • Reality Check: Regularly assess your situation to ensure you’re not misinterpreting events or being overly optimistic without basis.

In summary, recognizing and following a wave of fortune is about being observant, open, proactive, and balanced. It involves leveraging the positive trends in your life while staying grounded and prepared for any changes.

For example

Recognizing a Wave of Fortune

  1. Importance Reduction: Notice when you’re not overly fixated on problems or desires. In Transurfing, reducing the importance you place on things allows for a smoother flow of life, which can be a sign of a wave of fortune.
  2. Signs of Synchronicity: Pay attention to meaningful coincidences or synchronicities. Transurfing suggests these are indicators that you’re on the right path.
  3. Ease of Intentions: Recognize when your intentions and goals are being met with less resistance than usual, a concept central to Transurfing.
  4. Positive Slides: Observe when your visualizations and positive mental images (slides) start manifesting in reality. This is a key Transurfing technique for creating your desired reality.

Following a Wave of Fortune

  1. Intentional Action: In a wave of fortune, take action towards your goals while maintaining a state of inner balance. Avoid desperation or excessive force.
  2. Advantage Method: Use every event, even seemingly negative ones, to your advantage. Transurfing teaches that there’s a positive side to every situation.
  3. Frailing: Focus on giving to others without expecting anything in return. This Transurfing principle can help maintain the wave of fortune by generating positive energy.
  4. Using Outer Intention: Engage outer intention by focusing on the process and the joy of doing rather than just the end goal. This allows you to align more closely with the wave of fortune.
  5. Coordinating Heart and Mind: Ensure that your heart (emotions) and mind (intentions) are aligned. When they work in harmony, according to Transurfing, you’re more likely to ride the wave of fortune successfully.

Examples of Practical Application

  1. Career: If you notice that your work is suddenly being recognized and you’re getting opportunities with ease, take proactive steps towards bigger goals, like a promotion or a new project, while staying grounded and not attaching excessive importance to the outcome.
  2. Relationships: If you find that your social interactions are becoming more positive and you’re meeting people who resonate with your values, engage more deeply with these relationships. Use frailing and give attention and care without expecting anything in return.
  3. Personal Growth: During a period where learning and self-improvement seem particularly effective, capitalize on this by exploring new skills or deepening existing ones. Use the advantage method to turn any setbacks into learning opportunities.

In all these examples, the key is to act with awareness, balance, and a focus on positive intentions and outcomes, as suggested by the principles of Transurfing Reality.

About the Advantage Method and Frailing

Advantage Method

The Advantage Method is based on the premise that every event, including those that appear negative or undesirable, holds the potential for a positive outcome. It’s a way of shifting perspective to find benefit in any situation. Here’s how it works:

  1. Reframe Perspective: Instead of viewing a challenging event as purely negative, ask yourself, “What can I learn from this?” or “How can this situation serve as an opportunity for growth or change?”
  2. Look for Hidden Opportunities: Often, a setback can open doors to new possibilities that wouldn’t have been available otherwise. For instance, losing a job might lead to finding a more fulfilling career path.
  3. Personal Growth: Difficult situations can be excellent teachers. They often force us to develop resilience, creativity, or other valuable skills.
  4. Long-Term Benefits: Consider the long-term implications of the event. Sometimes, what seems like a setback in the short term can lead to beneficial outcomes in the long run.
  5. Energy Management: Transurfing emphasizes managing your energy and emotions. By not getting overly frustrated or despondent about negative events, you conserve energy that can be redirected towards more constructive endeavors.


Frailing is a principle in Transurfing that focuses on the art of giving without expecting anything in return. It is about contributing to the well-being of others and, in doing so, enhancing your own life. Here’s what it entails:

  1. Unconditional Giving: Offer help, support, kindness, or resources without the expectation of receiving something in return. This could be as simple as offering a listening ear to someone in need.
  2. Creating Balance: In Transurfing, the idea is that by giving freely, you create a balance in your interactions. This doesn’t mean you let others take advantage of you; it’s about a genuine desire to help.
  3. Harmonizing Relationships: Frailing can lead to more harmonious and balanced relationships. When you give selflessly, it often inspires others to respond in kind, though this should not be the expectation.
  4. Energetic Exchange: From an energetic standpoint, giving selflessly contributes to a positive energy flow. This can indirectly attract positive experiences and opportunities into your life.
  5. Personal Fulfillment: Many find that the act of giving brings personal satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment, which can be more rewarding than any material gain.

Application in Everyday Life

  • Advantage Method: If you encounter a challenging situation, such as a project failure, instead of dwelling on disappointment, analyze what this experience teaches you. Perhaps it revealed a skill gap you can now work on, or maybe it showed you a new direction that’s more aligned with your true interests.
  • Frailing: In your interactions, focus on how you can add value to others’ lives without immediately looking for something in return. This might mean helping a colleague with a task without expecting them to owe you a favor, or offering genuine support to friends.

Both the Advantage Method and Frailing are about changing your perspective and approach towards life’s events and interpersonal relationships. They encourage finding positive angles in challenging situations and fostering generosity, which can lead to a more fulfilling and balanced life.

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