Hunters Vs Farmers

Hunters Vs Farmers

Are you a hunter or a farmer?

I think its really important to understand yourself and how you work best.

There is a theory that there are two types of people, perhaps somehow related to how we developed in a society. Hunters Vs Farmers. Originally it was suggested as an explanation for ADHD. That ADHD might be beneficial for hunters but not well suited to our current education system.

The same is used to classify types of sales people.

Farmers are more like administrators and they focus on nurturing.

Hunters, are focused on identifying a target and capturing the target.

Understanding Yourself

Out of these two I am definitely more of a hunter. I prefer doing very competitive hyper-focus for a few days to achieve something and then having a rest to regroup.ย  I have found I have two optimum ways of working. I find doing routine things to be quite mundane and I want things to happen much faster.

My two ways of working are:

The first is rather intense focus where I’m doing something with very high energy and working very efficiently and doing a lot of actions. But I can’t sustain at this speed for very long. At best I can do it in a few days or week to 10 days with an intense focus. I don’t like to take many breaks because I want it to be done and achieved. This is best spent on executing some kind of product, or building something, or doing some kind of deal.

The second is more relaxed where I am more reflective and planning. I will come up with many ideas, and consider different ways of doing things, and look from a bigger perspective. I like learning and not driving forward in this stage, it is more like preparing a plan and considering lots of different issues. I prefer to have some time to think myself and discuss with others. This can take a few days or some time to reflect.

There are lots of other personality models and working models that can be helpful to understand ourselves and what kind of work we most enjoy.

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