How to become a multi-orgasmic man in 9 steps – ultimate guide

How to become a multi-orgasmic man in 9 steps – ultimate guide

“Being multiorgasmic is not a gift bestowed on a lucky few; it is a skill that can be cultivated by anyone willing to explore their own sexuality.” – Barbara Keesling, “How to Make Love All Night (And Drive a Woman Wild)”

The concept of a multiorgasmic man, one who can experience multiple orgasms without ejaculation, has roots in ancient sexual practices and philosophies. These include Tantra from Hinduism and Taoism from China, where sexual energy was seen as a powerful force for health, longevity, and spiritual growth. In the West, the idea gained prominence in the late 20th century with the growing interest in sexual wellness and exploration.

Becoming a multiorgasmic man involves training your body and mind to separate orgasm from ejaculation, allowing you to experience multiple orgasms without losing sexual arousal.

Becoming a multiorgasmic man involves a holistic approach that combines physical, emotional, and mental techniques. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Understand the Basics

  • Orgasm vs. Ejaculation: Learn the difference between orgasm and ejaculation. They are two separate physiological processes that usually happen simultaneously but can be separated with practice.
  • Pelvic Floor Muscles: Familiarize yourself with your pelvic floor muscles, as they play a crucial role in controlling ejaculation.

2. Strengthen Pelvic Floor Muscles

  • Kegel Exercises: Regularly perform Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. This will give you better control over your ejaculatory reflex.
  • Practice Routine: Aim for 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions daily.

3. Master Arousal Control

  • Edging: Practice edging, which involves stimulating yourself to the brink of orgasm and then stopping or slowing down to avoid ejaculation. Repeat this process several times during a session.
  • Breathing Techniques: Learn deep breathing and relaxation techniques to help manage arousal levels and reduce the likelihood of premature ejaculation.

4. Explore Tantric Techniques

  • Energy Circulation: Learn Tantric techniques for circulating sexual energy throughout your body, which can lead to a more intense and prolonged orgasmic experience.
  • Meditation and Mindfulness: Incorporate meditation and mindfulness practices to enhance your awareness of bodily sensations and sexual energy.

5. Experiment with Different Stimulation Methods

  • Variety of Techniques: Experiment with different types of stimulation, such as using your hands, sex toys, or partner’s touch, to discover what brings you to the edge of orgasm without crossing it.
  • Focus on Sensation: Pay attention to the sensations in your body rather than solely focusing on the goal of orgasm.

6. Communicate with Your Partner

  • Open Communication: If you have a partner, communicate your goals and desires openly. Their support and cooperation can enhance the experience.
  • Mutual Exploration: Encourage your partner to explore with you, as this can lead to a deeper connection and more fulfilling sexual experiences.

7. Practice and Patience

  • Regular Practice: Becoming multiorgasmic is a skill that requires regular practice and patience. Don’t be discouraged by setbacks, and celebrate small victories along the way.
  • Mindset: Maintain a positive and open mindset. Avoid putting pressure on yourself to perform, as this can hinder progress.

8. Seek Professional Guidance

  • Sex Therapist: If you encounter persistent difficulties or have specific concerns, consider consulting a sex therapist who can provide personalized guidance and support.

9. Aftercare and Reflection

  • Aftercare: After each practice session, take time for aftercare, whether it’s through relaxation, hydration, or cuddling with a partner.
  • Reflection: Reflect on your experiences, noting what worked well and what you can improve on next time.

Inspriational Quotes

“The multiorgasmic man is one who learns not only to completely satisfy his partner, but to achieve new heights of sexual pleasure and intimacy himself.” – Mantak Chia, “The Multi-Orgasmic Man”

“The essence of becoming multiorgasmic is learning to separate orgasm from ejaculation.” – Douglas Abrams, co-author of “The Multi-Orgasmic Man”

“Being multiorgasmic is not a gift bestowed on a lucky few; it is a skill that can be cultivated by anyone willing to explore their own sexuality.” – Barbara Keesling, “How to Make Love All Night (And Drive a Woman Wild)”

“A multiorgasmic man possesses the ability to be sexually responsive and energetically connected with himself and his partner.” – Mantak Chia, “The Multi-Orgasmic Man”

“The journey to becoming multiorgasmic is one of self-discovery, requiring patience, practice, and a willingness to explore the unknown.” – Ian Kerner, sex therapist and author

“In the realm of multiorgasmic pleasure, the mind is as important as the body. Mental relaxation and focus are key.” – Laurie Mintz, “Becoming Cliterate”

“The multiorgasmic man is not just a lover; he is a skilled artist of pleasure, both giving and receiving.” – Mantak Chia, “The Multi-Orgasmic Man”

“To be multiorgasmic is to break free from the limitations of traditional male sexuality, embracing a fuller spectrum of sensual experience.” – Jack Morin, “The Erotic Mind”

“The path to multiorgasmic bliss is not just about technique; it’s about cultivating an intimate relationship with your own body.” – Betty Dodson, sex educator and author

“Being multiorgasmic is about transcending the physical act of sex and entering a realm of deep, sustained pleasure and connection.” – David Deida, “The Way of the Superior Man”

Learn More

Here are some books and resources that can help you learn more about becoming multiorgasmic:


  1. “The Multi-Orgasmic Man: Sexual Secrets Every Man Should Know” by Mantak Chia and Douglas Abrams – This book offers practical advice and exercises to help men achieve multiple orgasms and enhance their sexual experience.
  2. “How to Make Love All Night (And Drive a Woman Wild)” by Barbara Keesling, Ph.D. – This guide provides techniques for extending lovemaking, achieving multiple orgasms, and increasing sexual pleasure.
  3. “The Multi-Orgasmic Couple: Sexual Secrets Every Couple Should Know” by Mantak Chia, Maneewan Chia, Douglas Abrams, and Rachel Carlton Abrams – Although focused on couples, this book offers insights and exercises that can benefit individuals seeking to become multiorgasmic.
  4. “Cupid’s Poisoned Arrow: From Habit to Harmony in Sexual Relationships” by Marnia Robinson – This book explores the concept of karezza, a gentle, non-orgasmic form of intercourse, and its benefits for intimacy and sexual health.
  5. “She Comes First: The Thinking Man’s Guide to Pleasuring a Woman” by Ian Kerner – While focused on female pleasure, this book provides valuable insights into sexual response and techniques that can enhance a man’s own sexual experience.

Online Resources:

  1. Anami Alchemia – A website offering courses and workshops on sexual wellness, including topics related to multiple orgasms and sexual mastery.
  2. OMGyes – An online platform providing research-based insights and techniques for sexual pleasure, with a focus on female orgasm but relevant for all genders.
  3. Tantra Punk – A podcast and website that explore tantra, sacred sexuality, and holistic health, including episodes on multiple orgasms and sexual energy.
  4. The School of Life – An organization offering a variety of resources on relationships and sex, including articles and videos that touch on sexual pleasure and fulfillment.
  5. Sexual Health Australia – A website offering information and resources on sexual health, including articles on sexual pleasure and orgasm.
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