How to achieve anything you want?

How to achieve anything you want?

โ€œWatch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.โ€

I’m a big believer in the importance of how you think and how it impacts your reality. There’s a lot of talk about the law of attraction. I am going to try to explain it in my own words and how I think about it.

  • I think many of the super successful sports people and business people are not that different to others. Its all about how they think and their thought processes.

  • Most people are not reaching their potential and doing the things they are capable because of the way they think. I know for sure that my thinking has held me back before. I hope I am continually improving in this area so I can reach my potential.
  • I think in some ways our mind is like a computer program. We can design and rebuild it to however we want it to be.
  • How you think and your attitude is extremely important. It can totally change your life.
  • Some important qualities that are beneficial are:
    – Being positive
    – Being optimistic
    – Learning
    – Being open minded – and curious.
  • FOCUS: Your focus is very important. What are you focusing on right now? There are two parts to focus. How strong your focus is, how can you sustain your focus, and how can you control your focus – what do you focus on?
    Your beliefs are very important. Some people have beliefs that are not beneficial for them. Maybe they have been passed on from their parents. There are many beliefs that people have that they are not good enough, or they need to work hard to achieve their dreams. Often these can be a barrier to your progress and success and they are holding you back. It’s important to be open minded and change any beliefs that are holding you back.
  • Expectations What are you expecting in your life? Normally we get what we are expecting.
    • Building a vision
      Just like an architect designing a building – what is your vision of your life? An architect doesn’t build one brick at a time and hope that the building looks nice at the end, they start with a completed picture of what they are trying to build.What are you expecting is going to happen in the future? When you have an exciting vision in your mind, and you can picture it, then you can connect the dots about how to get there. It is better to be more specific than vague and you can actually start building it in your mind. There is a big difference between pushing yourself towards something and having an exciting vision that is pulling you towards it.
    • Feeling the vision.
      After I have painted the vision then I try to imagine it happening, and I also feel the vision as if it is happening. I feel connected to it, and the actions I need to take feel easy and simple. There is no resistance or effort. It is exciting because I am going towards that vision.I think it’s really important to have a compelling vision because there will be challenges. You need to have the vision when you are
    • Visualising
      I think the power of visualisation can be especially seen in sports where you have a very simple and clear goal and competition between others and a finite time.Sports is all about the mind, and life is no different.There are so many stories of successful sports people who talk about this.

These forces are all happening whether you believe it or not. Sometimes they are working negatively, sometimes they are pushing you forward and pulling you back, so you are not making progress.

I think it’s important to make a vision about your life, who do you want to become? About your day, what do you want your day to be like? About specific events you are involved in, what do you want to happen? You hold the pen and you are the creator of your life, and you only have one life so make it special.

Here are some good resources I recommend:


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