- Momentum – often people do well, then take the gas off, and it seems like a perpetual cycle of doing well and taking the gas off. Just push through.
- Setting my high expectations of what I’m expecting in my life, and not accept anything less than. Part of this is getting around people who are doing better than you. Often you can see that they are no better than you.
- Gym every morning. Really push myself physically because this is important for mindset and can be a big advantage.
- Sunlight outside in the mornings
- Focus on yourself, never on anyone else. Improve your own life and your own self and your own personal value.
- Focus. Ensure I’m focusing on what’s important.
- Reading and creating content. Clean up what I’m consuming, read high quality content only.
- Writing more, this is a great way to think and solve problems.
8 things I’m doing to upgrade my life