4 Things I Wish I Knew about Learning when I was a Teenager

4 Things I Wish I Knew about Learning when I was a Teenager

Today, I want to share four of the main things that I wish I knew when I was a teenager about learning and about education.

1️⃣ There is no limit to your intelligence 🧠

There are no great limits to growth because there are no limits of human intelligence, imagination, and wonder. Ronald Regan
So, the first thing is that people may look smarter, but actually, they may not be smarter. And it’s totally possible to be, to achieve more and to do better than people who appear to be smarter. So, what I mean is basically, you can grow and you can improve, your level of intelligence is not fixed, you can improve and grow so much. And it’s up to you to learn the ways to grow and learn and improve. And usually in life, it’s not the people who are top of the class who do the best, it’s the people who are open to learning and able to learn and grow.

2️⃣ It’s more important to follow your interests 🔥

“Forget about the fast lane. If you really want to fly, harness your power to your passion. Honor your calling. Everybody has one. Trust your heart, and success will come to you.”

Oprah Winfrey

So, the second thing that I wish I knew is that it’s really important to develop your interests. And I think it’s a problem that we have in education is that the teachers will kind of, they have all these set topics, and they have these set things for you to learn. And I think it’s really more important that every student finds their own way of learning, and they find what really interests them. And the point of education, I think, should be to spark a fire, for students to find their passion and what they love learning and to focus on those directions. There are lots of topics that are very hard for some people to learn, and there are some that are naturally easy, and thats important to know that its not a sign of weakness but everyone is different and they have different interests for a reason. It’s important to try and find things that every student is really interested in. And I think the future of learning should be personalized and people should be learning interesting things that they are interested in. But right now, in education, mostly, it’s not like that, just because there’s so many people, and there’s so many students. So, it’s very difficult to do that. But I think in the future with technology, it will be more possible to do that.

3️⃣ How to Manage Your Time ⌛

If you don’t value time, time will never value you. Time is the only resource we have in equal quantity. The money will come & go but time once gone will be gone forever. Invest your 24hrs in a craft you value most and are passionate about. The day we start valuing our time we will realize we have enough time to make our dreams come true.

So, the third thing is the importance of managing your time as a student, as a child, as a person in school. Many people think that you have lots of time, but actually, you don’t have that much time. And it’s really important, actually, not necessarily the effort you put in. But it’s important what you put, what you use your time, how you use your time. So, it’s really important how you use your time and how you manage your time. So, what are you doing in every spare moment, and how are you spending your time on the weekends and evenings is one of the most important things. Because over one year, if you spend that extra time doing something useful and productive, then you will have huge advantages in over your years as a child. Whereas a lot of people may spend on social media or they may spend playing games, but if it’s spent in different directions, you can have a huge advantage in education and in life.

4️⃣ The power of reading books 📚

And the fourth thing that I wish I knew is the power of reading books. And when I was a child, I did read books, but I didn’t realize until recently how powerful it is to read books. Because when you read a book, you can learn so much from the book. But also, it shapes your mind when you read things. Like okay, in one way, you can read a book and you can get so much information in a very efficient, in efficient piece of time. And the second way, it reshapes your mind and you can see connections between different things. And then in the third way, it’s actually really important because it enables you to see bigger and wider things. And you can see things from different perspectives. You can learn from history, you can learn from different cultures and stories. And most people have actually gone through the same problems that you have, and you can just learn from them. And in a book, someone has usually condensed their whole lifetime of learnings and experiences into a short book that may have taken one year or two years, or a long time to make. And you can read it in about five or six hours. And it’s just such an efficient use of time to read books. And so, I think it’s possible to read books and learn about anything, and get ahead in that way.

So those are the four things. The first is, the power of how you can learn and grow. And the intelligence is not fixed. The second is that it’s important to find your interests and to build your own interests and what you’re passionate about. The third is, how important it is to manage your time and what you do on the evening and weekends. And the fourth is, the power of reading books. So, thank you guys. Those are some of my thoughts and things that I wish I knew when I was a child. And have a nice day and thanks for listening.

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