100k USD Monthly Revenue and Making Dreams a Reality

100k USD Monthly Revenue and Making Dreams a Reality

We’re on the way to growing revenue to $100k USD per month

What is your dream?

We all have dreams and goals and we all want our life to be better in some way.

As kids, many people have big dreams, but as they get older those dreams become smaller and more “realistic”, maybe they don’t think that they can become true and so they don’t risk big dreams.

The law of attraction is that you attract things that you think about. You attract what you are. People who already have money, attract more money to them. It is all about the mindset and if you have a big mindset that already has these things in your life then it doesn’t need to change to attract more of it.

Below is the full movie of the law of attraction:

This book is written by James Allen. This is not a book rather this is an essay. But its powerful essay, If you read this book you understand that all the modern books are having the same theory which is explained in this book. I recommend this book because the basics of the working of mind said in this book in a simple way.

A man’s mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will, bring forth. If no useful seeds are put into it, then an abundance of useless weed seeds will fall therein, and will continue to produce their kind

Also being grateful for what you have, attracts more of it.

Visualisation – this is common in sport and music. Visualise the kind of success, and live it.

Expect a good result. It makes you take the necessary actions. If you fail it doesn’t matter because you can just keep going until it becomes reality.

There are so many musicians who write a song about their dream life, which might before they have this dream life, then it becomes a reality later.

Do you have to fake it to make it? They create a character in their mind and then they become that person, they believe it before other people believe it. Or they can see the vision.

For any kind of goal, or dream, it is also important to see the vision and end goal, to believe that it can become true. It is also important to be super specific, and to believe that it can come true, and not give up until it’s done.

Often the act of deciding what your dream is, can be harder than actually doing it. Some people have no clear dream or conflicts in the dream that they actually stop themselves before it comes true. They prefer to be comfortable and have their own life rather than change and have risks or deal with problems about changing. They want to feel safe.

Making a vision board and making photos of your dream is also a great idea to pull you towards it.

So, what’s my dream?
 – To bring in $100k USD monthly revenue (currently $35k USD) in the next 2-3 months
 – Building the best team of talented people
– Building the most amazing platform for users to find and apply to their program. To give students an amazing experience and help them become better versions of themselves.
– Continually learning everyday and becoming better and smarter
– Fluent Chinese HSK 6
– Amazing health, energy and fitness through working out
– Network of the people who are doing amazing things that we can learn from and I can also add value.
– Amazing time management and getting stuff done – I have big dreams so I need to be awesome at managing my time
– China Admissions evolves as a global education platform that is worth over $1 billion USD
– I’m looking forward to traveling more after COVID!

Right now the $100k USD is the main thing that will have the biggest impact so I am focusing on that.

I’m already making massive progress towards these goals, improving everyday, learning Chinese and have such a talented team. We have everything we need to get there. It is going to be so awesome to build the platform to a bigger level, and help students to realise their dreams, become better.

Sam Ovens has a few interesting quotes:

“When I got started in business I was shy, awkward, clueless, poor, horrible at managing money, and had no idea how the world worked.  I believed this was me and it paralyzed me from taking action.  By far the biggest challenge I had to face was losing myself, my character, and my identity of who I was.”

“Instead of answering the question, ‘Who am I?’  Try answering the question, ‘Who am I becoming?’  Decide who you need to be in order to be successful and then grow into that new character.  All the world’s a stage and we are merely actors.”

“The only thing that’s stopping everybody from working for themselves and making a six figure income doing what they enjoy is the BS story they tell themselves about why they can’t.”

“To succeed in business you have to change who you are.  You have to constantly evolve.  This is impossible when you cling to your identity and believe you are the way you are.  You have to slaughter your self-image.”

“You’re not the highest version of yourself which you can imagine – you’re the lowest version of yourself which you can accept.”

LMFA wrote this song about being in Miami before they ever went to Miami.

This is a song about the sky being the limits

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