Why sleeping on the floor is better than a bed

Why sleeping on the floor is better than a bed

I must be crazy, right. How can sleeping on the floor be good for you?

Well let’s look into the history of humans and beds. For most of our history we have been sleeping on hard surfaces. Although there were beds before, they were mostly much harder than the soft mattresses we have now. It is only since 1800s when soft beds became popular in the west (except in Japan and East Asia)

It makes sense that many technological improvements are going to benefit us, and beds feel more comfortable to us, and so it seems obvious that it’s better for us. But I argue that beds may not good for us, and it is better for us to sleep on hard surfaces.

Just because everyone does it, and it’s an established part of our culture, it doesn’t mean that it’s right.

There are many examples of products such as tabacco, sugar, and pharmaceutical companies promoting products in order to seek profit. They promote the products and claim that it is better for us, but I argue that beds are not as good for us as sleeping on the floor, or hard surfaces.

In Japan people sleep on hard surfaces on the floor. They also have a longer life expectancy than in USA.

It’s not clear why they live longer in Japan, and it’s very difficult to test. Since we spend so much of our time in beds, and our sleep is such an important part of our health, it’s possible that their sleeping arrangements might have some clues, or some benefits that we can learn from.

Here are the reasons why sleeping on the floor or hard

  • Posture and the Spine

    With the increasing use of technology, laptops, and mobiles, many people have developed a hunchback.

It is quite common to see peoples posture with their heads forwards. This slouching, and poor posture, puts strain on the back. This can impact your back, and cause back problems, but it can also cause a whole range of other problems. It also results in shallower breathing, and there is evidence that a change in physiology can cause personality changes. By looking down to the floor, it can cause a more negative mindset.

The interesting thing is that one of the signs of a good posture is when the head, shoulders, bum, and legs, are all in line. You can measure your posture by standing against a wall.

If you are in a comfortable bed with a pillow, it’s going to continue to push your head forward.

Funnily enough this is the exact position that you would be spending if you slept on the floor and a hard surface, which can help to strengthen your posture.

Sleeping on the same side in a comfortable bed for a long time can put extra pressure on the shoulder you sleep on, as well as your hips and lower back. This can cause or worsen shoulder, hip, or lower back pain. Sleeping on your side can also potentially cause lower back pain if your spine isn’t properly aligned.

  • Respiratory

When we sleep on the bed, the majority of people sleep on the side. Whereas when sleeping on a harder surface, the majority of people sleep on their back. When you are sleeping on your side, your breathing is more shallow, compared to when you are lying on your back, supported by your back, you are stretched out, and your lungs can open fully. Being able to breathe more deeply, and get more oxygen when you sleep

  • Cardiovascular, Digestive & Other Functions

Sleeping on our back, stretched out, also gives more space for our other bodily functions. It’s possible that they work better when they have more space. In the case of digestive system, we are not putting pressure on it, but we are supporting them with our spine.

  • Skin

    Putting your face in your pillow can contribute to aging and wrinkles. It might not seem like much, putting your head on a soft pillow, but as you toss and turn overnight, over many years, the pressure on your skin adds up to quite a force. It can be damaging.

  • Comfortable

Sleeping in a warm soft bed can seem more comfortable, but it’s actually means that it’s often harder to get up in the morning. If we need to succeed in life, we need to do things that are uncomfortable, so we can grow and improve. Sleeping on the floor, or a hard surface, makes it easier for us to get up in the morning. It might be uncomfortable at first, but you soon get used to it, and it actually feels more comfortable, and you have a general sense of wellbeing.

Here are some reasons why sleeping on your back is more healthy. So what do you think? Give it a try for yourself.

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