Why I started a blog, and why you should too

Why I started a blog, and why you should too

I have been trying to make content on multiple platforms for a few years.

I made some wechat posts, instagram, linkedin, Podcast and Youtube videos.

But I felt like I wasn’t making as much progress as I wanted.

I love doing many things, but it just wasn’t that efficient.

I’m a full time CEO and I have quite limited time.

I think I can do very well at any of these platforms, but they all need a certain style and focus, so it’s impossible to do all of them well at the same time unless I get a big team, and I wasn’t prepared to do that.

So I changed my strategy to focus on just one platform only (for now).

Forget all the others. I can do those later.

Just go all in one platform and become excellent at it.

I wrote down each platform, and I ranked them.

At the top of the list as the one to focus on, I put blogging

Why blogging?

It’s 2024, does anyone actually read blogs anymore?

Well there are so many following the most recent trend on Youtube, and Twitter, etc., but I thought blogging would be the best for me to do well in because:

  • I write so much anyway, I can just put some of it online
  • It helps me to learn – as I’m writing I’m learning, and I can also look back on things to remind me.
  • I can do it forever without getting tired
  • It doesn’t seem that popular
  • It will give me loads of ideas I can use to make other forms of content later.

So, for a while, I just started doing one article everyday in the morning. I do love writing, I feel great after it.

The thing I love about writing is that it’s exploratory. You can start with a question and you don’t know what’s you’re going to discover. It’s so good for learning because you are using your knowledge, and playing around with different concepts. I love using logic and following through on it because often I will discover things that are new or different ways of looking at things.

It also provides the basis for all other types of content. If you can write well, you can write a great script for a Youtube video, or a twitter post.

It also really changes the way you think, and helps me think more clearly.

I love trying to explain complex concepts in a simple way.

But I got tired of it, and I gave up for some time as I got busy. Now I just batch 8-10 articles together in one day with a big writing binge. I’ve now batched content all the way up to the end of the year.

I know that I should start improving the blog now – the design, the sign up form to the mailing list, and the load speed.

So this is my strategy.

Future Plans: Diversifying Content and Platforms

While blogging remains my primary focus, I’m not abandoning other platforms entirely. I plan to repurpose my blog content across various media, ensuring it reaches a broader audience. Here’s a brief outline of my future content strategy across different platforms:


• Daily articles until the end of the year.
• Improve and update older articles.
• Enhance the website with a contact form and subscription feature.
• Build a mailing list for regular updates.


• Post a weekly article featuring personal stories and insights every Tuesday.
• Share a thought-provoking quote every Thursday.
• Weekly engaging posts, potentially derived from my blog, every Saturday.
• Incorporate high-quality videos and interesting content relevant to my audience.


• Record two podcasts a week discussing new learnings and intriguing topics.
• Organize and conduct interviews with industry leaders, particularly in education.


• Develop an automated system to post videos effortlessly.
• Generate various types of content, including how-to guides, vlogs, and motivational videos.
• Create weekly long-form videos summarizing insights and learnings.
• Produce shorts and snippets for IG and TikTok.


• Schedule blog posts and content using a tool like Hypefury.
• Allocate time each week to engage with my audience.

Instagram & TikTok:

• Develop daily shorts on specific topics, leveraging reusable content from YouTube and interviews.
• Ensure consistent management and reposting from other influencers.
• Occasionally boost posts to expand reach.


Focusing on blogging has allowed me to streamline my efforts and improve my efficiency. While my current priority is blogging, I have a comprehensive plan to diversely repurpose this content across multiple platforms, ensuring broad reach and high engagement.

By refining my content strategy, I aim to create high-quality, impactful content that not only helps others but also fosters my personal development and raises my profile. If you’re interested in following my journey and gaining insights, feel free to sign up for monthly updates.

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