Who? 19 Things I learnt

Who? 19 Things I learnt

Importance of Hiring

  1. Hiring is Critical: Hiring is the most critical activity for a growing company. A rigorous process executed swiftly is essential because the best candidates have multiple options.

Common Pitfalls in Hiring

  1. Voodoo Methods: Hiring decisions often rely on intuition or superficial impressions, which can be misleading.
  2. Quality of Candidates: The majority of job seekers are not top-tier candidates. Exceptional hiring is necessary to attract the best.
  3. Specialists Over Generalists: Focus on candidates who excel in the specific role needed, not just those who are generally competent.
  4. Authenticity in Interviews: Candidates often present themselves favorably in interviews. It’s crucial to find those whose personalities and skills truly match the job requirements.

Steps for a Rigorous Hiring Process

  1. Define the Job Role Clearly: Create detailed scorecards for each role, including the mission of the role and specific Objectives and Key Results (OKRs). List the required competencies for the role and company culture.
  2. Types of Candidates: Barrels vs. Ammunition:
    • Barrels: Individuals who can manage projects independently, leading teams and driving initiatives.
    • Ammunition: Individuals who need more direction and support to execute tasks.

    Ensure a balanced number of “barrels” to manage and grow the company’s projects effectively.

  3. Identify ‘Animals’: Hire people with a high level of dedication and drive. Seek candidates passionate about the company’s vision, not just those looking for a 9-5 job.

Effective Interview Techniques

  1. Phone Screening: Use a set of five questions to quickly gauge candidates’ fit and go through their work history.
  2. Multiple Interviews: Conduct in-depth interviews to explore each job in the candidate’s history, focusing on:
  • What they were hired to do.
  • Their proudest accomplishments.
  • Low points and challenges.
  • Relationships with colleagues and supervisors.
  • Reasons for leaving previous jobs.

Interview Focus Areas

  1. Work Experience Interviews: Walk through each job and ask about:
    • Roles and responsibilities.
    • Achievements and challenges.
    • Relationships with supervisors and colleagues.
    • Reasons for leaving.
  2. Focused Interviews: Match interview questions to the scorecard’s outcomes and competencies. Avoid hypothetical questions; focus on past behaviors and achievements.

Additional Tips

  1. Interrupting Candidates: It’s necessary to keep interviews focused and on track. Interrupt politely and empathetically to steer the conversation back to relevant topics.
  2. Behavioral Questions: Ask about specific situations, tasks, objectives, results, and choices to understand candidates’ decision-making processes.
  3. TORC Framework: Use the Task, Objective, Result, Choices framework to evaluate candidates’ past performance.
  4. Three P’s: Clarify how valuable their accomplishments were by asking:
    • How was their performance compared to last year? In numbers.
    • How did it compare to the plan? E.g., 2 million and the plan was 1.2 million.
    • How did it compare to your peers?
  5. Push vs. Pull: Look for candidates who were pulled towards new opportunities rather than pushed away from past jobs.
  6. Painting a Picture: Understand candidates’ decision-making and experiences in detail.
  7. Stopping at Stop Signs: Address any inconsistencies in candidates’ stories.

Implementing these structured and thorough hiring practices can significantly improve the quality of new hires, leading to better overall company performance and growth.

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