What to write when you have nothing to say?

What to write when you have nothing to say?

Starting with a blank page can seem hard, but the important thing is just to start.

Sometimes when you start writing, the words naturally start to flow.

Are you a perfectionist?

You don’t need to make something perfect.

Sometimes it’s just good enough to take one step in the direction you want to go.

Sometimes you walk in the dark, you can’t see much of where you are going, but you just need to take the next step, and then the next step, and the path opens up in front of you.

Sometimes you need to start, and you will get more ideas.

Sometimes if you just go ahead and start, and it doesn’t work, you can make another one.

This article I wrote started because I didn’t know where to start.

I started with a blank page, and now you’ve read it, and maybe it helped or inspired you.

So just start.

Don’t hesitate.


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