What is your motivation for creating content?

What is your motivation for creating content?

As we move further into the digital age and digital economy, there are more and more people, and companies, posting content online. The benefits of posting content can be huge, it can grow your personal brand and your company.

One thing that I think is important when posting content is to make sure to really think, “Why am I posting this content”. I think the motivation behind something is very important.

I do think many people post content for attention. I think it is sometimes possible to tell and I don’t think this is a good reason to post. I think it is very important to have a pure or higher motivation for posting every piece of content.

My motivations for posting are: 1) to learn, and 2) to help others learn, and 3) to grow my business and opportunities and personal brand.

I think that there is a conflict between 1 and 2, and 3. 1 and 2 are pure intentions. Growing my business and opportunities and personal brand is not something that I should seek to do directly. Just like if someone seeks happiness. This is always a byproduct.

My purpose for writing this particular article is: 1) I have carved out this time to create content to grow my business and opportunities and personal brand early on a Sunday morning. 2) I feel conflicted because I don’t want to post crap to grow my brand, 3) I want to make sure that I have pure intentions and I am learning and helping others and providing value.

So in the future I will make sure that I am always seeking to, at least, be conscious of the reasons I am posting, and make sure that I am always, or at least most of the time, creating content that is at least 1) helping me to learn, and / or, 2) helping others to learn. I will never post content that is just to grow my business, opportunities and personal brand, and if I do, I will at least do it consciously.

So here are some of the things i’m interested to write content about:

  • Books that I’ve read
    • And what I learnt from them
  • Sharing my personal experiences, my life experiences and what I’ve learnt
    • Eg., 7 life lessons I learnt last year
  • Questions I would like to know the answer to, but don’t yet.


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