What I learnt about writing from Stephen King

What I learnt about writing from Stephen King

Probably the best book I’ve read

Writing / reading is basically telepathy. I never really thought of that, but it’s amazing to think that you’re reading this and its something that I thought in my mind and now it’s in your mind. There is enormous power and potential in writing and reading.

The way to get good at writing is to read a lot and write a lot

I learnt a lot about the writing process. He just sets a target of X amount of words everyday and finishes when he’s hit that target. He struggled with writing and alcohol. Everyone has their struggles. I struggle sometimes with not having the perfect and most efficient day, but its just about doing what you can and trying your best and continually trying to improve.

He will write one draft, then edit it after taking a 6 week break. Usually at least 3 drafts.

When he writes, he doesn’t have the script all thought out before. He just sets the characters and uses his imagination to see where it leads. He asks an interesting question and then sees what happens. What if?

I was never interested in fiction before. I preferred non-fiction because I tend to think that things that happen in real life are more real and interesting. There are always deeper meanings and things you can learn and connections from things that actually happened, but this made me interested in fiction and the imagination and it makes me really want to write some stories.

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