What are the 5 most popular personal blogs for entrepreneurs?

What are the 5 most popular personal blogs for entrepreneurs?

I’m going to go through the top 5 personal blogs for entrepreneurs.

What is a personal blog?

A personal blog is a blog that’s run by an individual author, and they add a “personal touch” to their content by sharing their experiences, writing in a conversational tone, and so on.

Personal blogs are NOT those blogs with a ton of guest contributors. You will NEVER find a “corporate tone of voice” on personal blogs as the author loves to share their ideas and thoughts with their audience in a “friendly writing tone”.

It’s better to choose a niche rather than lots of topics. Just like other social media sites like instagram and youtube. This can be gardening, fitness, fashion, business or anything else.

Best Personal Blogs

These are some of the best personal blogs and those related to personal growth, investing and business that I like and have been learning from

  • Tim Ferris – featuring the 4 hour work week, and the Time Ferriss Show podcast.
  • Steve Pavlina – personal development for smart people
  • Neil Patel – online marketing and SEO
  • Gates Notes – Bill Gates’ blog – he talks about book reviews, health and his interests
  • Jeff Towson – Tech Strategy

What are the best blogs that you like? Let me know in the comments.

Here is a good article about what all the popular blogs have in common.

You can also check out lots of lists of other popular blogs here, and here.

What do they have in common? 

The blog is just one part of their content creation strategy. They all also have podcasts (except Steve Pavlina) and / or books.

What are the best platforms for writing a blog? 

Writing a blog is easier than ever. There are lots of platforms such as:

I choose wordpress because its easy to use, free and can be customised easily.

Are blogs in decline in 2022?

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