We launched Global Admissions!

We launched Global Admissions!

I am pleased to share that we have launched Global Admissions!

Global Admissions is an online platform for finding program and applying to studying abroad in any country around the world!

Back in 2015, 7 years ago, I founded China Admissions which is the leading online platform for international students to study in China.

I had such an incredible experience studying at Peking University,

When I arrived in China, and learnt Chinese, I felt like this whole new world opened up. I had heard many things about China, but now I could experience and understand it for myself, on a whole new level. I met the most incredible people, and through that I also transformed as a person.

It was so amazing that I decided not to be a lawyer in London, but to build this company in Beijing and to help more students have the same amazing experience I had.

However, in the last 2 years, the education industry has been going through huge changes, challenges with COVID lockdowns, borders being closed and online classes.

This has affected all of us, but by far the most affected have been the students.

While most people who are older than 25 may have chances to develop their skills, to receive salaries, and develop and refine their skills.

Students, on the other hand, have had significant challenges, huge uncertainty, conflicting information and it has also widened inequality in education experience.

18-24 was such a pivotal time for me, and it’s such a pivotal time for all of us.

It s one of the most important stages of a students life, when they are developing into an adult, finding their way in the world, discovering who they want to be, building relationships, and exploring.

And that’s why we are launching Global Admissions. So we can help more students on a wider scale.

We are determined to find and open pathways and to make it easier for students to reach their potential.

We want to make it easy for students to make the best decision.

It is our strong belief that the student should come first. Universities, exist, or should exist, to serve students.

Right now with online education being so easy and effective, studying abroad is becoming an increasingly important part of education. To understand and experience different cultures it can open minds, build connections and make the world better.

We have already signed hundreds of global universities. In the coming weeks, we are adding thousands of universities and programs onto the platform, and are also building out our team.

Are you interested in studying abroad?

You can learn more here, and request a free call here.

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