Top 10 Apps, Websites to Master the Game of Go: Novice to Expert

Top 10 Apps, Websites to Master the Game of Go: Novice to Expert

“The board is a mirror of the mind of the player as the moments pass. A man’s soul can be read from the moves he makes. There is no luck in it.” – Yasunari Kawabata

The ancient game of Go, originating over 4,000 years ago in China, continues to fascinate and challenge players around the world. Known for its deep strategy and complex tactics, Go offers a lifetime of learning and enjoyment. Whether you’re a novice looking to learn the basics or an experienced player aiming to sharpen your skills, there are numerous apps and websites to assist you on your journey. Here’s a list of the top 10 apps and websites to master the game of Go:


  2. GoChild:
  3. KGS Go Server:
  4. OGS – Online Go Server:
  5. Sensei’s Library:


  1. SmartGo Kifu: App Store
  2. GoQuest: App Store | Google Play
  3. Tsumego Pro: App Store | Google Play
  4. Go Books: App Store
  5. Go Dojo: Currently not available as a standalone app but can be accessed through other Go software.

Introducing these links:

  1. SmartGo Kifu (App): SmartGo Kifu is a comprehensive app for Go players of all levels. It offers a vast collection of professional Go games, interactive tutorials for beginners, and challenging problems to solve.
  2. (Website): is a popular platform where you can play Go against opponents from around the world. It features live and correspondence games, tournaments, and a ranking system to track your progress.
  3. GoQuest (App): GoQuest is a fast-paced online Go app that offers quick 9×9 and 13×13 games. It’s perfect for beginners looking to practice their skills and for experienced players seeking quick matches.
  4. GoChild (Website): GoChild is an educational website that provides a vast collection of Go puzzles and problems, ranging from beginner to advanced levels. It’s a great resource for improving your tactical skills.
  5. Tsumego Pro (App): Tsumego Pro focuses on solving Go problems (tsumego). With daily challenges and a library of problems, it’s an excellent tool for honing your reading and life-and-death skills.
  6. KGS Go Server (Website): The KGS Go Server is one of the oldest and most popular Go servers. It offers a friendly community, live games, review tools, and the ability to watch high-level games.
  7. Go Books (App): Go Books is a digital library of Go books, offering a wide range of titles for players of all levels. You can read, solve problems, and learn from professional game commentaries.
  8. OGS – Online Go Server (Website): OGS is a modern, user-friendly platform for playing Go online. It features a clean interface, real-time and correspondence games, and various board sizes.
  9. Go Dojo (App): Go Dojo is an app designed for serious study and practice. It offers game reviews, problem-solving exercises, and joseki (corner sequence) training.
  10. Sensei’s Library (Website): Sensei’s Library is a collaborative online encyclopedia of Go. It’s a treasure trove of information, covering everything from basic rules and strategies to in-depth articles on Go theory.

About Go Strategy

Go strategy involves the balance of territory control, influence, and capturing stones. Key concepts include:

  • Opening (Fuseki): Focus on claiming corners and establishing frameworks for potential territory.
  • Middle Game (Chuban): Develop your positions, attack weak groups, and defend your own weak points.
  • Endgame (Yose): Maximize points by solidifying territory and reducing your opponent’s.
  • Life and Death: Understanding the vitality of groups is crucial to prevent them from being captured.
  • Influence and Thickness: Strong, well-connected groups can exert influence over a larger area of the board.

Quotes about Go:

  1. “Go is to Western chess what philosophy is to double entry accounting.” – Trevanian
  2. “The board is a mirror of the mind of the player as the moments pass. A man’s soul can be read from the moves he makes. There is no luck in it.” – Yasunari Kawabata
  3. “Go uses the most elemental materials and concepts – line and circle, wood and stone, black and white – combining them with simple rules to generate subtle strategies and complex tactics that stagger the imagination.” – Iwamoto Kaoru
  4. “In the game of Go, beauty is born from the pursuit of territory, and that pursuit is inherently bloody.” – Shibumi
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