There is no limit – the rise of AI augmented super-intelligent individuals

There is no limit – the rise of AI augmented super-intelligent individuals

One of the biggest realisations I’ve had in the last year, is that there is no limit.

The only limit is the one we have ourselves.

I’ve always known this but I’ve never really internalised this.

Until I read a couple of books that really changed my life.

– Transurfing reality
– Sovereign individual
– Inspiration from great people such as Elon Musk

Transurfing reality taught me that things can be easy.

I used to think that in order to do great things takes a huge amount of effort, but through using leverage – content, technology, working with people, influence, then amazing things can happen.

Fleas in a jar experiment is a great example of why its important to travel and be always willing to go outside your comfort zone because some limits only exist in our mind

Sovereign individual taught me how the world works and how it will change in the digital economy, and it’s not going to be pleasant for the “average” person. You either have to be great, or accept a worse life.

It’s highly likely in the age of AI that peoples intelligence, quality of life, and distribution of resources, will change fundamentally.

Right now we have a bell curve where we have an average level of intelligence.

I don’t know about whether IQ will be the best measure of intelligence in the future. Because what is more important is how well we can think and make decisions. How we can conquer ourselves, and achieve certain goals, or ones ability to learn or acquires skills or use resources. In the way that intelligence can be measured, it is likely to move to a bimodal distribution of where there is a larger number of less intelligent people who outsource their thinking to AI, and so do not use or develop their own thinking, and then a number of people who can use AI to become super-intelligent individuals.

– Curiousity
– Ideation
– Taste
– Relationships
– Open-mindedness
– Ability to learn

These become more important.

This represents a rather dark view of the future, and so in many ways I hope it’s not the future but I believe it’s the most likely. In order to help these people who are less capable, it’s going to be important to provide some kind of societal support or universal basic income. If we do it right, then those people can then develop their own strengths that may not be about intelligence in how we think of it now, but can develop their own gifts or expertise or talents, such as artistic, or just on a humanistic level, to contribute and add value to our collectively richer civilisation.

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