The reality of China – it depends on you and your mindset

The reality of China – it depends on you and your mindset

There are so many people writing different things about China. I’ve seen people who didn’t like it and went back home immediately after arriving, I saw some who adapted well, were highly successful, and learnt a lot, created businesses, met future partners.

There are some objective facts about China, but how we think about the world and our attitude and our goals shape our reality, so we all have very different life experiences, even while we might be in the same place.

How we respond and think and our attitude can have such a big difference in any situation. Just being positive for example in one interaction, going to an event with an open mind, can create new a whole new possibility of new experiences and change the course of events for the rest of your life.

For me, studying at Peking university opened the door to some of the most ambitious and capable people I’d ever met, it was a lens that profoundly shaped my perception of the country, it played a pivotal role in my network, trajectory and experience.

I once remember an experience where I met an American in a subway, we started chatting, and he invited me to a dinner with some of his friends. I met a whole new network of people from there, went to further events, and hired one of those people.

While one person might have a negative situation that blows them off and puts them towards a negative path, they might start consuming more negative content about it, and associate with people with a similar mindset, another might see it is a small matter, that is not a big issue to be overcome with the right tools, learn from it, and then be better able to deal with issues that makes them stronger.

The truth is that in order to succeed in a new place depends more on ourselves and our mindset and actions than it does the place itself.

This is a lesson I am learning everyday as my business expands: that everything comes down to mindset.

I believe all have an infinite number of possible life paths and it is up to us to shape the future we want and our mindset plays a key part of it and that is up to us.

– Be conscious of goals, visualise the outcome
– Focus on the positive
– Be open minded
– Be decisive
– Simplify things – don’t add complexity neadlessly.
– Don’t put too much importance on problems – it makes them easier to solve
– Associate with positive and capable people

Just make positive steps and a new positive life path will unfold.

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