The Importance of Modernising Modern Democracies

The Importance of Modernising Modern Democracies

“The difference between a successful society and a chaotic one lies not in the abundance of resources, but in the organization and utilization of those resources.” – Unknown

To what extent is democracy a tug of war over resources Vs using the wisdom of the country to make more intelligent decision making?

Western Democracy: Short Term Mob Tug of War Vs Collective Intelligent Decision Making So Group is Better Off

Democracy leads to greater and greater socialism because the people will vote for the party that makes them better off. It becomes a case of mob rule with increasing taxation and growing government.

2 Observations about UK – Democracy Leads to Socialism

As the government grows people feel like their primary outlet for advancement and better standard of living is through influencing the government. I argue that in UK people spend a disproportionate amount of their energy on the government policies and decisions.

This is one of the biggest differences I’ve noticed between living in China, Dubai and UK. When an economic system works well, people channel their creative energy into their work and their output because that is their primary outlet for advancement.

In UK people feel that they can influence the decisions over allocation of resources, but this tug of war is 1) a less efficient system, because a tug of war is a friction that will always stay in the middle, the end result being that the majority of creators and producers are overtaxed and this is distributed equally, it encourages free riders who contribute less to the system and it creates a dependency rather than an ambition to become those producers. Not the mention the costs involved in the reallocation process.

But the end result is the demise of the society because it is less efficient. We are in a global marketplace, and one of the primary ways country competes is how efficient they are managed.

What UK needs is
1) smaller government, so that people can contribute, and work together to make more effective smarter decisions. We need a more efficient democratic process otherwise that  doesn’t turn into a tug of war over resources and
2) peoples primary outlet is their own personal work and advancement which is the thing that they can have control over, which makes for a more efficiently run group.
3) We need a more efficient democratic process that uses technology. We can harness the wisdom of crowds and collective decision making in government more, Implementing political reforms such as ranked-choice voting, proportional representation, or other systems can help ensure that minority voices are heard and reduce the likelihood of winner-takes-all outcomes that can fuel mob rule.
4) We need more education to make people smarter to avoid the media. Media needs to be educating people rather than alarming people.

“Wealth is not just about having money; it’s about having the freedom and the ability to organize society for the common good.” – Robert F. Kennedy

“A well-organized society is like a symphony, where each instrument plays its part in harmony, creating a masterpiece of prosperity and progress.” – Unknown

“Chaos is merely order waiting to be deciphered.” – José Saramago

“In a disorganized society, the struggle for resources is the melody of life, but in a well-organized one, it’s the harmony of coexistence that sings.” – Unknown

“True wealth is not measured by what is owned, but by what is built and shared in a well-organized community.” – Unknown

“A society that fails to organize itself well will be left behind, like a ship adrift in a sea of chaos.” – Unknown

“The hallmark of a wealthy society is not just the presence of resources, but the ability to organize those resources in a way that benefits all.” – Unknown

“In the architecture of a well-organized society, every brick is placed with purpose, building a structure of stability and prosperity.” – Unknown

“The contrast between a chaotic society and a well-organized one is like night and day; one is lost in darkness, while the other shines brightly with the light of progress.” – Unknown

“Order is the foundation upon which the edifice of a prosperous society is built, while chaos is the storm that threatens to tear it down.” – Unknown


Democracy leads to socialism, because democracy leads to mob rule which leads to bigger government.

  1. Definition of Mob Rule: Mob rule, also known as ochlocracy, refers to a situation where decisions are made based on the desires of the majority, often at the expense of minority rights or long-term planning. In a democratic context, mob rule can manifest as short-term populism, where politicians cater to the immediate desires of the electorate to gain or maintain power.
  2. Definition of Big Government: Big government refers to a situation where the government plays a large role in the economy and in the lives of its citizens. This can include high levels of taxation, extensive regulation, and a wide range of government services and programs.
  3. Relationship between Mob Rule and Big Government: In a democracy, mob rule can lead to big government if the majority consistently votes for politicians who promise more government services, benefits, and intervention in the economy. This can create a cycle where people increasingly rely on the government for their well-being, leading to an expansion of government size and scope.
  4. Consequences: The relationship between mob rule and big government can have several consequences:
    • Efficiency: As government grows, decision-making can become slower and more bureaucratic, reducing economic efficiency.
    • Dependency: People may become more dependent on government services, reducing their incentive to be self-reliant and entrepreneurial.
    • Economic Mobility: A large government can create barriers to economic mobility, as individuals may find it harder to navigate regulations and taxes.
    • Political Polarization: As the stakes of government decisions increase, political polarization can intensify, leading to further gridlock and inefficiency.
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