The importance of active reading

The importance of active reading

I’ve read 58 books this year.

One of the main things i’ve learnt is the importance of active reading.

Many people just read books passively.

Just like watching tv.

But our memory is biological.

We will quickly forget most of it.

In order to really absorb the material we need to actively read. it.

What is active reading?

That might mean different things for different people.

For me it means recording the lessons, making notes, and writing articles.

I will skim the book first, read a book review before I read it, then make notes on my kindle. I will then write down important things I learnt, and share ideas for articles to write about later.

I learnt a lot from writing what I’ve learnt. The process of writing makes me think more deeply, and I have to more specific about what I think. I often get new ideas when I’m writing, and it gives me a record as well that I can re-read later.

When I re-read it, it refreshes the memory and lessons I learnt.

Because I’m learning so many things from these books, that there is no way I can remember all the lessons even one month later, let alone, one year later.

In our fast-paced world, where information is consumed rapidly and often superficially, the art of active reading emerges as a vital skill for personal and professional growth. Active reading is not just about absorbing words on a page; it involves a deep engagement with texts, promoting a richer understanding and a more profound appreciation of the material. This article explores the importance of active reading, which includes taking notes, writing reflective articles, and revisiting texts, to enhance comprehension and critical thinking.

1. Deepening Understanding Through Active Engagement

Active reading transforms passive absorption into an interactive dialogue between the reader and the text. This process involves questioning assumptions, analyzing arguments, and synthesizing information. By actively engaging with a book, readers move beyond the surface to uncover deeper meanings and connections, making the reading experience more fulfilling and intellectually stimulating.

2. Taking Notes: A Tool for Retention and Analysis

One of the key components of active reading is note-taking. This practice helps in retaining and organizing information, making it easier to recall and apply later. Effective note-taking strategies vary from annotating margins to maintaining a dedicated notebook, where readers jot down key points, questions, and reflections. These notes serve as a personalized study guide that enhances understanding and provides a scaffold for further exploration.

3. Writing to Learn: Articulating Insights

Writing about what you read is an excellent way to solidify your understanding. This could be in the form of a personal blog post, a detailed review, or an analytical article. The act of writing forces the reader to organize their thoughts and articulate their understanding in their own words. It also encourages readers to make connections between the text and their own experiences or other knowledge, which is a critical skill in higher-order thinking.

4. The Benefits of Revisiting Texts

Revisiting texts after an initial read is a practice too often overlooked. Each rereading can reveal new insights, overlooked details, and deeper layers of meaning. This iterative process of reading, reflecting, and revisiting enhances comprehension and ensures that the knowledge gained is not only understood but also remembered. Moreover, as our own experiences and knowledge grow, we bring new perspectives to each reading, making the text come alive in different ways each time.

5. Cultivating a Lifelong Learning Habit

Active reading nurtures a habit of lifelong learning. In a world where knowledge continuously evolves, the ability to engage deeply with texts becomes crucial. This practice not only enriches one’s knowledge base but also sharpens the mind, enhances creativity, and boosts empathy. It prepares individuals to face complex challenges, both professional and personal, with a well-equipped arsenal of ideas and perspectives.


In conclusion, active reading—marked by note-taking, writing about texts, and revisiting them—is not just a method of reading; it’s a way to engage with the world. By adopting this approach, readers can transform each reading experience into a building block for profound personal and intellectual growth. In embracing these practices, we not only enhance our understanding and enjoyment of texts but also cultivate a mindset that values deep, thoughtful engagement in all areas of life. This, in turn, fosters a richer, more thoughtful society, poised to tackle the complexities of the modern world.

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