I was never really interested in physics. I think a lot of what makes students interested in a subject at school is based on the personality of teachers. I never found my maths or physics teachers to be especially charismatic or visionary compared to other subjects. It could just be because I’m a person who needs to see the big picture and possibilities and their teaching style didn’t match with mine.
Recently I have been learning from Elon Musk and he is frequently talking about what he learnt from Physics and the importance of absorbing material in a wide range of disciplines to expand overall knowledge. So instead of keep learning about Economics and Business I am exploring other topics.
Here are two things I learnt from Feynmans 6 Easy Pieces which I highly recommend
It’s fascinating to consider the world on an atomicย level.
Every material has certain properties. When they cool they fit together neatly in a grid structure like ice. When they get hotter they break out of that neat grid structure into liquid and gas. I knew this already, but it’s fascinating to consider this is the case for every material and that they have natural structures and ways of interacting.
Electromagnetic Spectrum
We take wifi-radio and everything for granted. But if you really think about it, it’s amazing that so much data can be transferred through particles in air. That it’s even transparent at all is incredible. Then to consider that data for radar, radio and tv can all be transferred through air and even solid buildings.
We only naturally pick up one frequency and that is light. Is it possible we can communicate telepathically using other frequencies? That’s what we are doing with our phone. If we have another receiver and emitter and a way of interfacing with our brain we can also communicate on other frequencies and at a much higher level.