The core components of incentives and motivation for a team

  1. Vision – bright future
  2. Progress towards that vision – momentum, that the bright future will be realised
  3. Purpose
  4. Ethical standards and impact on other on others
  5. Feeling of competence
  6. Autonomy
  7. Responsibility
  8. Matching with skills and interests
  9. Development of skills and learning and personal growth
  10. Comradery, community and teamwork
  11. Fun & joy of work
  12. Contribution to life goals – family, finance
  13. Rewards and incentives
  14. Appreciated and feeling valued
  15. Opinions of others, and respect
  16. Opportunities for advancement – potential for upward mobility
  17. Tieing their input into reward and outcome
  18. That they are happy with the time spent on it, that it’s worth it, compared to alternatives.
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