The benefits of commitment

We all have an exploratory phase, where we are seeking to understand the world, and exploring options. But there is a danger to prolong this exploratory phase. What I’ve found is that the goal can be to make this phase can be as short as possible.

It’s cool to date around, try different things, live as a digital nomad, keep options open.

“Go where you are treated best” is the call of the digital nomad.

It can be seen as boring to commit.

But there is a cost to not committing.

Commit: to life, to work, to relationships (and these things are all connected) say no to everything else, and you’ll see everything in your life get better.

Often there are commitments that are not one way – you can change your mind later.

“Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.” Bruce Lee

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