Strengthening mental health during COVID – taming the wild horse

Strengthening mental health during COVID – taming the wild horse

Anxiety, ADHD and other mental disorders are rising, and there are statistics, that nearly 1 in 5 people are currently living with some kind of mental disorder. With COVID, lockdowns, changes, and restrictions, more and more people have been impacted by stress, anxiety or other, more serious mental issues.

I have to admit that I have felt stressed at times and had some kind of anxiety about what’s happening. It was challenging to not be able to travel, and see family, especially when my grandfather got ill and then died.

I realise that I’m lucky, I have a great life and I’m not complaining. I’m sharing how I think about it and how I’ve optimised by mental health, in case it might be helpful for others.


I am not a doctor, and I strongly suggest that if you have a mental health issue to consult with your doctor, and also check with a range of possible solutions such as counselling / therapy.

Also I’m sharing my thoughts from my experience. It’s just my experience. There are many people with serious issues that need help. But I’m sharing my thoughts and my experience which, if it can be helpful for one person, I’ll be glad to have shared it. Please let me know your comments below!

What are mental health disorders?

Mental disorders (or mental illnesses) areย conditions that affect your thinking, feeling, mood, and behavior.

The mind is extremely complicated. Scientists and doctors confirm that they don’t fully understand it.

But Anxiety, ADHD and other mental disorders are rising, and there are statistics, that nearly 1 in 5 people are currently living with some kind of mental disorder. With COVID, lockdowns, changes, and restrictions, more and more people have been impacted by stress, anxiety or other mental issues.

Let’s look at ADHD. 6.1 million children in the United States (9.4 percent) of students in US have ADHD, but is it really the case?

I’m a strong believer that our body and mind are (nearly) perfect machines. We are the product of millions of years of evolution. 20% of people having mental disorders but not be a problem with the genetics of those 20% people, but a problem with society, and our behaviour.ย  Stress and anxiety, ADHD, I believe are there to serve us in some way. They’re the body’s response, an alert system. It’s a signal to our body to prepare and get stronger, to change course or direction, or to get help. Through overcoming them, we gain some kind of benefit.

Misclassified as Illnesses

Warren Buffet has a saying that: “show me the incentives and ill show you the outcome.” When more people get sick, and healthcare companies prescribe more medicine, they make a higher profit. Nobody makes a profit if you live a long and healthy life. It is in the incentive for healthcare companies and pharmaceutical companies that more people are sick, and they prescribe more medicine. Could this result in more people being classified as ill? Just think about that.

Taming the Wild Horse

I think of our mind like a wild horse. Humans are so capable. Just look at some of the amazing achievements of some of the great minds of our time. We are capable of so much.

Our mind has huge amount of power, but it’s wild. We need to understand and learn how to manage it and use its power.

Mental Health Advantages

There are also some suggestions that mental health “disorders” can give people some advantage or benefit. There are many successful people, such as artists, world leaders, who succeeded, perhaps not inspite of, but because of, their mental ‘disorder’.

What is classified as a mental disorder, such as ADHD might actually be beneficial, if used understood and directed properly.

Taking care of mental health

However, as with our health, and life in general. It is possible to go into a downward spiral. If you feel stressed and anxious, it can impact your sleep, relationships, which can make things worse, repeating the cycle.

On the other hand, with positive habits and by looking after your mental health, you can make become stronger, make great achievements and perform at the highest level.

It’s important to pay attention to our body and mind and to look after it. I’ve learnt and developed through my own research and experience a toolkit to manage these kind of situations. Like a muscle, if I feel anxious or stressed, I can take a step back, pay attention to whats happening and my actions, and take action to strengthen and improve. Being able to quickly bounce back.

Mental Health Toolkit

So what can people do if they have some kind of develop mental health issues?

Most of the time if you are feeling suboptimal mentally, it might be because one area of your life is neglected. So it is important to go back to basics.

There are 4 pillars to mental health:
1) Food
2) Exercise
3) Sleep
4) Relationships

When there are issues going on, it is easy to neglect yourself. It is important that these 4 parts are taken care of and doing well. Eating and sleeping at regular times, are the foundation to mental health. The body needs energy and to be able to sleep well to rejuvenate.

Exercise is one of the best ways to help because it gets the body moving and you release endorphins. Getting your body moving is one of the best ways to feel great.

Relationships are so important. As social creatures we need to be around other people, to communicate and share experiences. If you have stress or anxiety it can cause people to withdraw and that can also make the situation worse. Talking over your issues with someone else is one of the best ways to improve your mental health. There is a saying that A problem shared is a problem halved’. Support can help you.

How you think is also extremely important. Having a positive mental attitude.

There is a great book by Dale Carnegie – how to stop worrying and start living. It shows how destructive worrying is, and how it can make us worse.

Using social media, watching the news, can all negatively impact mental health. Caffeine can also negatively impact it. Cutting back on those activities can also help us.

Taming the wild horse

I hope that my perspective could offer some hope and a pathway to people who are suffering. I strongly believe in the power of our body and mind and the capability and potential inside of all of us, and if you are suffering in some way, that you can find a way to reflect, take action, and bounce back stronger.

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