Some notes and things I learnt

Some notes and things I learnt

Lessons Learned

  • Be Yourself and Vulnerable: Authenticity is essential. Embrace vulnerability to build genuine connections.
  • High Energy Vibration is Key: Maintain high energy levels to attract positivity and success.
  • Dress a Little Better Than Those Around You: Enhance your confidence and make a positive impression.
  • Don’t Pretend: Be genuine and honest in your interactions.
  • Eye Contact is Strength: Establishing eye contact demonstrates confidence and sincerity.
  • Speak from Chest Voice: Use a strong, resonant voice to convey authority and clarity.
  • Be Louder Than You Think: Most people speak too quietly. Ensure your voice is heard.
  • Got a Problem? Focus on Raising Overall Energy Levels: Address issues by boosting your energy rather than dwelling on the problem.
  • Problems in Life Can’t Be Solved, Only Outgrown: Evolve and grow to surpass challenges.
  • Work on Something Positive: Any positive endeavor can enhance your life and energy levels.
  • Life Comes in Sets: Growth in one area can positively impact other areas of your life.
  • Value Your Time: Recognize and prioritize the value of your time.

Action Steps to Improve

  • Find Additional Friends and Hobbies: Expand your social circle and interests to enrich your life.
  • Be in Great Shape: Physical fitness boosts energy and confidence.
  • Focus on Growth in Relationships: Prioritize progression and direction in your relationships.
  • Control Your Time: Delegate tasks by hiring help to manage your time effectively.
  • Invest in Relationships and Marriage: Building strong personal relationships is a valuable investment.
  • Be a Leader in Relationships: Take initiative and guide your relationships positively.
  • Embrace Masculinity: Cultivate traits associated with strength and assertiveness.
  • Never Be Lazy – Take Action: Proactivity leads to progress and success.
  • Say Thank You: Gratitude fosters positive interactions and relationships.
  • Assume Positive Intentions: Approach situations with a positive mindset.
  • Do What Energizes You: Engage in activities that boost your energy and enthusiasm.
  • Enjoy the Ride: Appreciate the journey and experiences along the way.
  • Pay Attention to Flow States: Recognize and maximize moments of optimal productivity and creativity.

Reputation and Its Importance

  • Protect Your Reputation: Make smart, long-term decisions to safeguard your reputation.
  • Value Reputation Growth: Reputation becomes increasingly valuable as your career progresses.
  • Seek Smart Advisors: Surround yourself with knowledgeable advisors to guide your decisions.
  • Board of Advisors: Consider having an unofficial board of advisors to assist with major decisions.
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