Prompts of Wisdom

Prompts of Wisdom

Don’t trust a thought you had indoors.

Real wealth isn’t in creating products. It’s in owning assets.

What inefficiency is everyone missing?

Emotional Filters – Make emotions are you feeling when you are making this decision? Imagine making the decision with the following states in mind – love, gratitude, joy, awe, boldness, confidence, clarity, excitement, and how does it change?

What would this look like if it were easy?

Reality is a mirror to your inner world

Pay attention

If a dragon shows up you can ask yourself where the treasure is. Itโ€™s always there.

People are trapped in their story. Some people donโ€™t know what it is. Some people are pulled in many different stories.

Anxiety is when the path towards goal disrupts and multiple pathways now emerge. Chaos has emerged because my narrative has collapsed. Anxiety is the collapse of an organising narrative.

Always put yourself in others shoes.

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