Lower birth rates below replacement levels stunt the progression of society

Lower birth rates below replacement levels stunt the progression of society
It is the supple brains of the young with their fresh people, fresh ideas who are able to grasp an understanding of the continuously evolving world and provide innovation and reforms, their aspirations and competitive drive, and this rising of the next generation that drives society to progress.
Without the next generation to challenge us, learn from us, and eventually take our place, the engine of change will stall would be no need for change, no forces of change, and society would become static, stagnate, and decline.
The root problem liesโ€ฆin the fact that people at the top of social hierarchies generally do not want to lose status or power and will often use their considerable influence to protect their positions. They often deploy their considerable resources to maintain the status quo, further hindering the next generation and the forces of change and development and the adaptability essential for societal growth.
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