12 Life lessons I learnt in 2023

12 Life lessons I learnt in 2023

I do think it’s important to reflect on things you did and learnt so that you can really learn those lessons better. Hence why I’m writing this article.

In the last year I moved from China to Dubai. From the workshop of the world, to the world’s largest shopping mall. From the most collectivists homogenous culture with a rich and deep language, to one of the most individualistic international cultures where the language is English. Your environment shapes you, and I’ve definitely changed in the last year.

There is a saying that you can learn lessons but only when you learn them from pain from your own real experience do you really learn them.

Here are some of the things I learnt this year.

  1. The importance of dietIn this year I have quite a big year of a personal growth. I gave up alcohol, sugar, and bread. I read relentless by Tim Grover, and learnt how elite athletes sorted out their diet and became top performers. I tried it for myself as a mini experiment and it gave me a massive performance increase. I think most of our diet is messed up by companies marketing efforts. I was eating a lot of rubbish before. It was actually not that hard to give up. When you no longer have sugar in your diet, you no longer have cravings or a desire for it. One of the biggest benefits I had of giving up sugar was that it massively improved my sleep. I slept much stronger and deeper and woke up totally alert, almost like a lightbulb. I’m not minimising my caffeine intake and not drinking coffee, but I’m wrestling with it.
  2. Listen to Yourself

    I think one of the main things I learnt That it’s important to listen to yourself first and foremost and do what is true to you, even, and sometimes, especially, when it upsets other people. There were times that people around me were upset that I was working and couldn’t attend events. It’s important to take other peoples thoughts into account, but ultimately it’s more important to listen to yourself.For me to be happy, I need to realise my potential and be my best self. I love working and I love developing and improving myself. If I’m not reaching my potential I will be deeply unhappy. I enjoy nice food but I don’t care about nice meals if it means I’m not going to be achieving myself.Other people have their own motivations and their own view of the world and their own life journey. If they are upset by something it is ultimately their problem that they are upset.It is always important to do what you think is right and what is best for yourself and those around you, and listen to yourself and your own decisions about that.While I learnt this on a certain level from my own experiences, but also on multiple levels.

    The Surrender Experiment is a great book where he meditated and then learnt to separate himself from his thoughts and feelings which can often be a mess. It’s possible to have racing thoughts that are often not important, and those thoughts are not you. After meditating you can learn to listen to those thoughts, and separate them. Often you don’t need to think, you don’t need to feel. Just do what is right to your very core.

    Another book that said this on another level is: “No More Mr Nice Guy”. This is a good book which makes this same point but from a different perspective. Often we are doing things to try to please other people, or do what other people might want, at the same time we are giving up, or betraying what we really want. Do what you want. It’s your life. Be yourself. By being yourself, you are being your true self and therefore being your best, real self. You are enough, and you have a purpose. Listen to it.2) The value in being different

    Another book that brought me to this conclusion is the Pumpkin Plan. The power of being different. Being different is a strength. If you have 100 products, all of the same level, and one is different, that one different one will be in more demand. I found this in China, that being different is an advantage. It’s the same with products, in what way are you different in the market Vs a commodity, have something that makes your service or product different in the marketplace. It’s the same in every situation. It’s an advantage to be different to other people.

    3) The power of writing

    One of the big things I really learnt is about the power of writing to learn things. This can be called the Feynman technique, but it is something that many successful people have been doing in history.

    You can only think to a certain level in your head, but when you write something on paper it enables you to clarify your thoughts and develop your thinking, discover, critique new things, and learn. I learnt so many things about the power of writing so I’m going to make a few points about that.

    While I have been studying Chinese for many years, this year I focused more on English, reading and writing and I think it’s given me an advantage.

    4) The power of writing as a way to improve how you think. Jay-Z, Winston Churchill.

    I read biographies of Jay Z and Winston Churchill, and Ben Franklin. They were all very different people but they all were writers and I think this gave them a huge advantage. Words are powerful and mastery of the language is a superpower in life when most people are, by definition, average.

    5) The power of writing as a way to learn about things.

    I think one of the best ways to learn is to write. This is why I’m writing this blog. I like to ask myself a question and then think about it and discover the answer. Asking this question, about what I learnt this year, is my way of reviewing and solidifying what I learnt this year.

    6) How powerful writing is – journaling is a super power as a way to solve problems.

    Writing is very powerful to sit down and think of a question or problem, and then get deeper into solving it. It’s amazing how writing can help you solve problems. I have often had a hard problem that I kept thinking about in a kind of circular way, but when I wrote down that problem, defined it clearly, formed the premises, broke down the problem into its deepest parts, and then considered solutions it became really clear to me how to solve it. I think this is a super easy way to solve any problem. I credit William Brown on helping me with this.


    7) How powerful time boxing is – to manage your time.

    I studied the schedule of Elon Musk about how to time box. I implemented this in my life and saw incredible improvements in my overall productivity. Previously I would do some work until something is done. Now I set the timer, and then go. At the end of the day I’ve done much much more. The time constraint forces you to be much more efficient and do the 80/20 rule.

    8) How to scale a company

    I learnt from Dan Martell’s book how to scale a company by hiring someone to buy back your time. Previously I always felt more pressure and stress as we grow our company, but it’s possible to grow a company and at each level there is less stress. It should be easier as we scale and grow, giving other people jobs and work, and focusing more on your highest level activities. I really recommend this book.

    9) I learnt that I am much better than I thought and that I am capable of anything

    I have built China Admissions, and lived in China for a number of years. I felt that I have outgrown China in some way. I saw my future pathway as going deeper in China or global, and I felt that going deeper into China wasn’t the right path for me. I wanted a bigger challenge and to be on the global stage. I admit that I didn’t know . I am clear that I am capable of anything and.

    10) Importance of Environment

    Moving to Dubai, re-reminded of how changing your environment is so important for growth. I have grown by being in a new environment, it has helped me see and understand who I am clearly for myself.

    11) The importance of having a family, and I think that many people are afraid of it, but actually having a family and more responsibility is a part of becoming an adult and makes you a better performer, and better at your work. It can be a powerful driving force. It’s also important for society.

Super excited for 2024!


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