Is creating great content hard?

Is creating great content hard?

I think it’s important to look at the motivations, and intentions behind creating content:

1) Discovery

I am writing content as a way of learning.

I have a question, andย  I explore the answer in the question. I don’t know what I’m going to come up with. This is the main reason I am creating content. I find this kind of creation really enjoyable and it’s how I’m becoming better. This article, is an example of it.

2) To get traffic

What kind of content gets results? Many people seem to create content to get traffic. This is an important driver, because what is the point of creating, and going through the work of doing all that and publishing and then nobody sees it, and nobody cares.

3) To help others

Some people create content in order to help others. I think this is tied in with the second one, to get traffic. It’s good to help people.

My intentions

My core driver in creating this kind of content is discovery. I do find that to get traffic, seems a lot harder, because I already know it, I’m not learning anything new. But in order to help others, then people need to see it, and I need to have a different mindset and intention from the start. A clear vision about the person I am helping, and why. I will experiment with that, and try to find content that creates all those 3 boxes. Things that I’m really interested in, that can get traffic and help others.

I think in order to do that, I really don’t want to create mundane stuff that is the same as everything else on the internet is. That’s so boring. I think the content I make needs to be quite complicated, or hard in some way, it needs to be a challenge. I need to make it excellent or at another level, so I am challenging myself, and still learning and growing at the same time. It needs to be unique, something that only I could produce. I need to be authentic, and sometimes take some risk. I need to do things differently. I can treat a very simple question, but make it my own creation.

Some ideas for that are:
– To really deeply think about the topic
– Go on a really really deeper level
– Ensure I am always learning some new things when I create it
– What is my personal story?
– Consider what unique angle or insights can I put onto it
– Ensure that the content I make is really really unique
– Make it really really excellent, and something that I am proud of
– Make it artistic in some way too
– Make it so that it is multidisciplinary. I find this idea quite interesting. For example, it is also extremely beautifully designed, or it connects with music in some way, or comedy.

I actually think that thinking in this way is also an advantage, because it will help me create unique things that will do better.

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