How to overcome anxiety?

Level 1:
Start with the basic needs which are: Exercise, diet, sleep, relationships. Often there can be issues with these which causes or contributes to anxiety which makes it worse.

Level 2:
After that then medidation, and interests, ensure your goals are aligned

Level 3:
Re-write the script. Focus on what you want to happen and how you want to feel?
Catch yourself when you feel anxious. What are you thinking about at that time? Don’t try to fight it, but instead, choose another focus.
Gratitude is the best feeling to overcome anxiety because it’s the opposite of anxiety. Instead of having a negative expectation of the future, you have a positive thought about being grateful for something in the past. This can easily move to joy or excitement about the future.
How you think affects your reality. When you are anxious, it will create more things to be anxious about. You will see the world with an anxious mindset.
When you are excited, positive, joyful and grateful, you see the world in a positive light, and more positive things happen to you.

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