How to harness your subconscious mind

How to harness your subconscious mind

Albert Einstein – “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”

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In the landscape of self-help literature, few books have had as lasting an impact as Dr. Joseph Murphy’s “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind.” First published in 1963, this book delves into the relationship between the conscious and subconscious layers of the mind and explains how tapping into your subconscious mind can lead to profound changes in one’s life. Here’s a closer look at the key insights and the timeless appeal of this influential work.

The Foundation of the Book

“The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” posits that the subconscious mind is a source of infinite wisdom and creativity, which can influence our lives significantly. Murphy’s central thesis is that the conscious mind is the “watchman at the gate,” and its chief function is to protect the subconscious mind from false impressions. By understanding and directing our thoughts, we can encourage our subconscious mind to manifest a reality that aligns with our desires and aspirations.

Core Concepts and Techniques

  1. Autosuggestion: Murphy emphasizes the power of autosuggestion, suggesting that repeated positive statements or affirmations can convince the subconscious mind to believe certain ideas. This belief then influences our behavior and reactions to foster outcomes that match these affirmations.
  2. Visualization: A key technique discussed in the book is visualization. Murphy encourages readers to clearly imagine their desired outcomes. This vivid mental imagery communicates directly with the subconscious mind, which starts working to realize these visions.
  3. Emotional Influence: The book underscores the strong influence of emotions on the subconscious mind. Positive emotions can enhance the power of suggestions, making it crucial to cultivate feelings like joy, love, and peace to support personal growth.
  4. The Role of Faith: Faith, or the unquestioning belief in something, is highlighted as a catalyst for activating the subconscious mind’s power. Murphy suggests that faith, combined with disciplined mental activity, can bring about miraculous results.

Impact and Applications

Since its release, “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” has found applications in various aspects of life including personal growth, mental health, professional success, and interpersonal relationships. Readers have used the principles to overcome mental barriers to success, improve their health, attract wealth, and foster healthier relationships.

Criticism and Modern Relevance

While the book has been immensely popular, it has also faced criticism, particularly from skeptics who question the scientific basis of its claims. Critics argue that while positive thinking and mental visualization can indeed be beneficial, they do not guarantee the dramatic results promised by Murphy. However, many continue to find value in the optimistic and empowering approach of the book, using it as a tool for personal development rather than a literal solution to all of life’s problems.


Today, “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” continues to inspire new generations of readers. It is often cited alongside works like Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich” and Norman Vincent Peale’s “The Power of Positive Thinking,” contributing to the foundational literature of motivational thinking and self-help.


The enduring popularity of “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” speaks to the compelling allure of mastering one’s own mind. Whether one views its claims as literal truths or metaphorical advice, the book serves as a reminder of the powerful link between our thoughts and our circumstances. For those seeking to transform their lives through self-awareness and positive mental practices, Murphy’s work remains a beacon of hope and a testament to the potential that lies within our minds.

Related Quotes

  1. Napoleon Hill – “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
    • This quote echoes the themes of the power of thoughts and the role of belief in shaping one’s reality, similar to Murphy’s teachings on the subconscious mind.
  2. Norman Vincent Peale – “Change your thoughts and you change your world.”
    • Peale’s work on positive thinking aligns closely with Murphy’s discussion on how our internal mindset can influence external circumstances.
  3. Henry Ford – “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.”
    • Ford’s statement underlines the concept that our beliefs create our reality, a central idea in Murphy’s book.
  4. Marcus Aurelius – “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.”
    • The Stoic emperor emphasizes the importance of thoughts in shaping our lives, which parallels Murphy’s focus on using the subconscious mind positively.
  5. Albert Einstein – “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”
    • Einstein’s view on imagination complements Murphy’s teachings on visualization as a tool for influencing the subconscious mind.
  6. James Allen – “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”
    • This quote from Allen’s book also speaks to the concept that our deepest thoughts shape our being, mirroring Murphy’s ideas about the subconscious mind.
  7. Louise Hay – “If you change your thinking, you change your life.”
    • Louise Hay, a proponent of positive thinking and self-healing, encapsulates the essence of Murphy’s approach to using the mind to affect personal change.

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Learn More

  1. Goodreads – You can find reviews and ratings from a wide array of readers, which can provide diverse perspectives on the book’s impact and usefulness. Goodreads: The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
  2. Amazon – Besides purchasing the book, you can read customer reviews and see how different people have applied the principles taught by Dr. Murphy in their lives. Amazon: The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
  3. Audible – If you prefer audio books, Audible offers a narrated version of the book, which includes reviews and ratings similar to Amazon. Audible: The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
  4. YouTube – Many content creators discuss the key themes of the book and share their personal experiences with applying its teachings. Searching for the book title on YouTube can lead you to a variety of video reviews and summaries. Search for “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” on YouTube.
  5. Scholarly articles and critical reviews – For a more academic perspective, you might look into journal articles or critiques that analyze the psychological and philosophical aspects of Murphy’s theories. Platforms like Google Scholar can be a good starting point. Google Scholar


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