How to get to 1 Million Youtube Subscribers?

How to get to 1 Million Youtube Subscribers?

My target is to hit 1 Million Youtube subscribers. I will focus only on this and at the same time build up other platforms.

My reasons for it are to improve myself, get good at something, learn the skills of building a Youtube channel, and enable myself to expand my business better. It will also enable me to meet and connect with more people.

– Linkedin
– TikTok
– Instagram
– Twitter

I will do it by creating lots of Youtube content, and keep improving it. I will make 2 Long Videos Per Week, and 2 Youtube Shorts Per Week.

At the start, they will be about the following topics:

– How to build wealth
– What I’m learning – books etc.,
– Podcasts / interviews
– How to learn and grow and improve
– Ideas
– Biographies / documentaries of people
– China / Chinese

I will then narrow down into one area that is performing better.

I will find some people to model and learn from:

– Hormozi
– Imam Ghadzhi
– Ali Abdaal


At the same time I will also develop the following Youtube channels:

Global Admissions – Studying Abroad
China Admissions – Studying in China
2030 School – Biographies and AI

How can I get to 100k on Blogging, Linkedin, Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter?

Spend time learning about each platform, post consistently, and then expand team onto those areas.

Blog – consistently write on this blog as I’m doing now.

Linkedin – choose a specific thing each day of the week, for example, 

    1. Monday – Professional learnings
    2. Tuesday – Education related
    3. Wednesday – My experiences with a photo
    4. Thursday – Graphs or data analysis
    5. Friday – Memes
    6. Saturday – Chinese characters
    7. Sunday – an interesting link

           Formats:  carousel / videos / images

Instagram / Tiktok?

  • Post quotes, shorts, and personal photos post everyday…


  • Also schedule 3x posts per week

In future topics I will write about what I’m learning about growing on those channels

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