How to focus – monk mode and mastering the fundamentals

How to focus – monk mode and mastering the fundamentals

In order to focus it’s really important to focus on the fundamentals.

Your Inputs

  • Your diet
  • Your exercise
  • Your content
  • Your relationships
  • Your sleep

Your Processes

  • Writing
  • Relationships

These are all related.

– Diet I have given up sugar, caffeine, and alcohol and bread and I’ve seen huge short term benefits. The biggest thing about giving up sugar was that I was able to sleep much better. I could sleep much better, and deeper, and I could wake up much better. Caffeine is another thing I regularly give up. It’s a short term boost, but I also have negative effects from caffeine. It is harder to sleep, and we become used to caffeine over time, needing more and more of it. It’s a good idea to cut this out.

– Exercise is such an important habit because it helps you feel good. It makes you more energetic, and positive. It also helps with improving long term energy levels. It also helps to simulate appetite, and helps relax to sleep well. When you look good, it also helps you feel good which is a great benefit when meeting people.

– Content is so important because what you consume really influences your mind. It’s really important to be free of phone for the morning, as long as is possible, and be conscious about the times you are spending on your phone. This habit of consciously checking things is so destructive. By being free from this, it is very freeing to think or do other things that can be more helpful, such as writing this article, or thinking more strategically. Instead of being a slave to impulses. Having a morning free is very liberating. They are designed to be addictive. It is also essential in the evening before sleep. How do you do this? It’s a struggle, but you need to solve it. Just put the phone away in the draw, and clean up your newsfeeds, get a blocker, and set certain times to do it when you have to, if you have to at all.

It’s actually a huge hack to become a creator than a consumer. That is how the 1% are winning on these platforms.

The forgotten art of being bored. Being Bored is a good thing. When you are bored, you are going to start to direct that energy towards something useful. Reading a book becomes much more interesting when you have nothing else to do.

– Sleep – I think sleep is a habit that is mostly influenced by diet, exercise, relationships, and environment. I think it’s quite hard to improve sleep on it’s own, except by finding a way to deal with stress and concerns, by writing, and going to bed early, and waking up early. I currently wake up at 4am each day, and go to bed at about 9pm.

By making these changes I saw a huge improvement in my life In the short term but over time,ย  but the benefits compound, and it gives a much bigger benefit over the long term. One year ago, I was so different to what I am today. Overtime, by being different in these ways, it’s possible to really separate from other people. For example, by all these improvements of sorting my diet, exercise, content and sleep, I have been able to identify more clearly how caffeine affects me. Whereas before I was not quite sure what was making me tired. Was it the bad sleep, or the sugar I had earlier. Now I’m clearly able to point out that because I slept well and didn’t have sugar, it must have been the caffeine the day before. I find that when I cut this out and I need the energy boost, I can just push through by resolving whatever issue it was that caused me to need the energy boost, or through force of will. This is difficult, but not really that difficult, and it builds strength.

Writing and relationships are great ways to help work through thought processes, and plan and think. By speaking to people and asking for advice. I have created a video on my youtube about how helpful writing is and how I do it.

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