How to execute faster in life?

How to execute faster in life?

Executing fast is a massive advantage. But doing things faster is really not about trying harder, it’s more a way of thinking. Here are some ways to move and execute more quickly:

    1. Rest, and sleep well
    2. Relax, don’t worry
    3. Practice gratitude
    4. Prepare for potential scenarios in advance
    5. Exercise, eat well, surround by fast people
    6. Expect positive things and have confidence it will work out
    7. Meditate
    8. Visualise
    9. Set intentions
    10. Cultivate Urgency


  2. Do fewer things
    1. Automate repetitive tasks
    2. Say no more, so you can say yes and be faster
    3. Batch similar tasks
    4. Use systems and stay organised
    5. Delegate to competent people, even if it takes more time to do that one task, you become faster in aggregate.
    6. Eliminate distractions
  3. Get clear on goals
  4. Break big tasks into smaller parts
  5. Speak in Bullet Points – Train yourself to think and pitch ideas concisely—mental agility spikes.
  6. Test “Minimum Viable Action” – What’s the smallest step to start? Do that, not the whole plan.
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