Executing fast is a massive advantage. But doing things faster is really not about trying harder, it’s more a way of thinking. Here are some ways to move and execute more quickly:
- Rest, and sleep well
- Relax, don’t worry
- Practice gratitude
- Prepare for potential scenarios in advance
- Exercise, eat well, surround by fast people
- Expect positive things and have confidence it will work out
- Meditate
- Visualise
- Set intentions
Cultivate Urgency
- Do fewer things
- Automate repetitive tasks
- Say no more, so you can say yes and be faster
- Batch similar tasks
- Use systems and stay organised
- Delegate to competent people, even if it takes more time to do that one task, you become faster in aggregate.
- Eliminate distractions
- Get clear on goals
- Break big tasks into smaller parts
- Speak in Bullet Points – Train yourself to think and pitch ideas concisely—mental agility spikes.
- Test “Minimum Viable Action” – What’s the smallest step to start? Do that, not the whole plan.