How to design amazing UI?

How to design amazing UI?

Refactoring UI is a great book, about design

Here are some of the things that I learnt:

  • Start with the feature, and what is needed, and fields and go from there
  • Start with the sketch / wireframe
  • Build the simplest version first, to get it shipped and out the door
  • The process is of constant reiteration and improvement
  • Choose the personality – whats the culture of personality – friendly, trustworthy etc that is important?
  • Whats your culture and personality? What values are important for you?
  • Colour and font has a huge impact. What looks best for you?
  • Keep it consistent
  • Create a system in advance – which colours, fonts, and sizes will be used? create in advance so they can be reused.
  • Hierarchy- what is most important on each page? what is least important? Make the most important stand out
  • Emphasise the most important parts, by deemphasising the least important parts
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