How to create content quickly

How to create content quickly

I believe that creating content quickly, easily and enjoyably is very important.

If you are making content, youtube videos, or articles, but it takes a really long time, and it’s really painful, yes, you are going to make some high quality ones, but it’s hard work.

It’s important to make the process of creating content quickly as easy and enjoyable as possible. Why? Because a big part of it is about how many repetitions can you do. Can you make a difficult video everyday? Probably not, because you have other commitments that come up. But can you make an easy, enjoyable video everyday, yes! and over 1 year, that is going to make all the difference between a Youtube channel with 5 videos, and one with 300 videos.

The more repetitions you do, the more chances you have to learn, the more improvements you can make, and the more surface area you have to have random luck, to randomly make something that hits on a topic that is super popular, or a trend. You can then ride the trend.

That’s what I’ve found with writing. I’ve found that it is super easy for me to write these articles, because they are kind of exploratory articles where I am learning something as I write. In some way, I don’t really care if people read it or not, because I am benefiting from writing it. I am getting energy from creating it, and I can go on and do this forever. If I do this for a long time, my writing will get so good, and that will give me huge advantages in my life, and also at some point I will become very good at writing these articles.

For me, creating content, it is important that I am getting energy from the articles, and it’s also important to me that the articles are very unique and authentically mine. I don’t want to ever create something that other people could have made. I think that is boring to make, and boring to read, and pointless. That’s why making unique content that only I could have made is very important for me.

One of the ways that I enjoy to make it unique, is to 1) make it uniquely mine, authentic, but also 2) complex to make it really complicated or difficult in some way. Also to make it 3) beautiful and nice to look at, and 4) perhaps combining something from other fields, such as art, or music, or other disciplines.

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