How to buy perfectly fitting swimming goggles online?

How to buy perfectly fitting swimming goggles online?

Good fitting goggles are important. It’s useful to be able to see clearly underwater, and Chemicals in the water are not good for your eye. I frequently get very red eyes when I swim without goggles.

Finding the best swim goggles can be tricky. Swimming goggles seem like such a simple piece of gear, but to find a pair that feels good, works well, and doesnโ€™t fog up or slide off during a tough workout can be a tall order.

I currently have been swimming and the goggles don’t fit perfectly. They let water in and it makes it go cloudy so I need to let the water out every 1-2 lengths.

There are a few things you want when choosing goggles:

  1. That they fit (don’t let in water)
  2. That they’re comfy (don’t chafe over the nose or apply too much pressure on the eye sockets)
  3. That they’re clear (they don’t fog up or scratch).

There are so many different types of goggles and face shapes (see the fitting guide here).

To get perfectly fitting goggles you can either:
– Go to the store and try out different ones
– Try out a few different goggles of friends
– Buy a few different goggles online and hope that it fits, or
– Buy a goggle that has quite a universal fit such as these speedos:
– You can try some custom fitting goggles online such as here.

AR Goggles:

Are there any good AR goggles?

It would be pretty cool if you can track progress of your swim through your goggles, connect it up to your apple watch, or maybe even watch a movie while you swim.

There are a few companies doing it such as Form AR Goggles, and VUXIX.

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