How to batch tasks more efficiently?

Batching similar tasks together is one of the most effective ways to become more efficient.

Eg., all of finance or all of sales in one part of the day.

But those tasks can be divided up further into 3 buckets:

  1. Those that I can do – These are relatively fast and don’t need much thinking about. I can just knock them off.
  2. Those that I need to think about – I can just schedule thinking of all issues at a certain time.
  3. Those that others can do – I can hand over to all people at the same time.

Doing it this way makes things much more efficiently because things get really slow when you are working through tasks that you need to think about, seek input from others, and then do some yourself, and then think some more. Communication takes time, thinking takes time, and when they are mixed together it can be hard to get into the flow of things.

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