How gratitude cures anxiety

As I’ve grown in my life and career I’ve realised the increasing importance of mindset. There is a saying: “Smile, and the whole world smiles back” and it’s true that what we focus on we see more of. Our mindset has such a huge impact on our life, from relationships, personal growth.

For example there is one saying that if you have a habit of being fearful or anxious in certain situations then this can be changed and reprogram. Fear is focusing on an unpleaseant outcome in the future. Excitement is focusing on a pleasant outcome in the future. Gratitude is focusing on the pleasant outcome of the past. Regret, is focusing on the unpleaseant outcome of the past.

It’s important to listen to emotions because they can be signals for us to learn, but it’s important to also manage your emotions because they often become self-fulfilling.

In order to stop these negative emotions, it can be very hard to say “stop worrying” but it’s possible to switch and consciously do the opposite – focus on gratitude. It switches your mindset.

Fear and gratitude can’t exist in the same frame of reference in your mind, so one way to control fear is to practice gratitude.

By removing these negative emotions, you can free up your energy to put it on more productive ways. You will feel a surge of energy.

Excitement can also be helpful when you want to generate energy.

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