How do you make a high quality 1mill+ viewed Youtube video?

How do you make a high quality 1mill+ viewed Youtube video?

Here is the formulate for creating a 1 mill+ Youtube video.

The most basic principle is that it must be a high quality video that is at least better than other 1million+ videos on Youtube already.

There are a few ways videos are discovered on Youtube. 1) Search, and 2) Recommendations. It is a good idea to target views through both of these ways. Search is all about search engine optimisation – so the principles are similar to google search, and recommendations is all about having high engagement, click through rates, and watch time. Youtube will suggest videos that keep people on the platform.

One of the great things about Youtube is the flywheel and how when you start creating videos people will check out the other videos on your channel, and the channel will grow faster.

Research – In research, it is a good idea to thoroughly research the topic by searching on Youtube and finding related videos. 1) How much demand is there for this topic? How many views are these videos getting, and 2) How good are those videos? Can you make a better one. The ideal topics are those that have high views, but the other videos are not as good as you can make. What makes those other videos good? What can be done better than the other videos there?

Research – Story & Script – it is then important to make notes and think about what the video will be about. Writing out a script for this. 1 minute will usually have 100 words. So for a 8-15 minute video there should be about 800-1500 words.

Beginning & Hook – it is really important to think about the beginning and hook. What will make people interested in this video? The first 10-30 seconds is extremely important because this is where most of the people will drop off. It’s important to make it dramatic, or engaging.

Filming – this is where you film speaking the video. There are lots of parts to this, such as sound, image etc.,

Editingย – in editing, the video should be first edited to remove any issues, it can be a good idea to speed it up by 10-20%, and remove any gaps to make it more engaging.

B-roll – after editing, then we can add some b-roll onto it to make it more engaging, illustrate the points better, and keep attention. Depending on the type of video you can evaluate the b-roll by watching it and seeing which points can be improved.

Music – this is the other important part which helps people feel the movement of the video. It can add drama, excitement. It’s important to find music that fits with the video and

Thumbnail – finally the thumbnail is what is put on the video, and this is important for click through rates and traffic. Canva is great for Youtube thumbnails. You can check the thumbnails of high performing videos, and also trial and error to see what works best.


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