What I’ve learnt – How do you get the most of a day?

What I’ve learnt – How do you get the most of a day?

I think this is something that everyone struggles with and it’s something that can have the biggest impact on your life. How we use time is much more important than how we use money because there is no limit to the amount of money in the world, and that we can receive, but there is a limit to the amount of time that we have. We all have 24 hours, but how can we achieve and do more in those 24 hours and make the most of it?

Here are what I’ve learnt about getting the most out of a day.

I’ve tried many times to work really hard, and there quickly comes a point where you hit your limit. Either by working 16+ hour days and weekends, you soon become less productive. It’s not a winning formula.

The most important thing is to have a clear vision about where you want to go and the steps needed to get there.
To prioritise those activities that are going to get you to that vision faster. Whats the biggest thing you can do today to get you closer to your vision?

I always have the urge to want to do more and do it faster and more productively. Sometimes stepping back and doing less is a better strategy. It is also important what you don’t do.

In terms of the schedule. It’s important to first look after yourself.

– Sleep schedule
– Eating & diet
– Exercise
– Social / interaction
– Play time

When these needs are met, then you are free to focus on your vision.

I like the essay by Paul Graham about Makers Schedule, Managers Schedule.

In terms of structuring the day, I have two ways to work. The first is to schedule the day into blocks of time. Each hour of the day is for one or two activities. The other way is to have one specific activity for the day.

I find that the first strategy is better when I have many projects and I’m able to get more things done, but it tires me out very quickly. I prefer to focus on one thing for a whole day. Then I can get some really deep work done. I especially like working on marketing, content or product. That kind of work gives me a sense of achievement and gives me more energy. I’m able to work almost infinitely on creating products or content. I really prefer to be working on Makers schedule. However, when I’m working on managers schedule, I feel a bit more frustrated and so try to push things too much to overcompensate.

Thats why it’s really important to build the team who are good executors and operations people. So I can spend a limited amount of time on execution and operations and the rest on content, marketing and product.

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