Health App – Healthcare + Testing + Wellness + Education + Insurance

I keep thinking about what the best healthcare system would be after all my interactions with it, and my thoughts are that the best healthcare system is not focused only on healthcare. It seems that we are only treating diseases and problems.

The optimum healthcare system should be proactive

It should have elements of education with it – so people are learning about themselves and about their health and how their body works.

It’s democractised, so you don’t refer to specialists as much for them to treat you, but more for education to consult and learn about yourself and how it works.

Of optimising healthcare, by being well, in all areas of life. Because you can’t treat healthcare issues, without trying to optimise your life force.

Of testing and evaluating yourself frequently.

Insurance can be combined with it.

So those that are more proactive and take actions that improve their results, and are therefore more healthy, will have lower insurance costs.

I’d love to have such a system and be a customer of it.

A B2C App that I can subscribe to, regardless of location. Like

So you pay a subscription each month, it includes:
– Testing – annual checking of issues. Monitoring of other things too. You can upload these to it.
– Insurance – insurance companies can login to see your metrics and give you an offer – they can be integrated into it.
– An app that you can use to check on results and monitor your results and progress.
– Education – so you can learn about it. Take courses to be a specialists, and have online consultations with doctors, who can login to see your results.
– Metrics – combines with your apple health, and you can put your test results on it, on your file. That you can then share to doctors you meet with.

So it has:

  • Freemium model
  • Insurance subscriptions
  • Online consultations – with specialists – partner with them first.
  • Online testing and metrics – go to a specialists and upload the results there on your own file. So you have ownership of it. Including DNA testing, etc., It needs interoperability high security so specialists can see that data.
  • Suggesting you to get checkups frequently on certain things for more points.
  • Record conditions and how you are feeling.
  • Diet, and exercise advice
  • AI evaluation and suggestions.
  • Education & Community – to ask questions
  • You can be matched to similar people who can help you
  • It also has online courses – to upgrade yourself.
  • So it can help your career.
  • Community there – because thats so important for your health.
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