Reading and the Power of Modesty by Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin an Autobiography I enjoy reading biographies of successful people. You can learn so much… May 14, 2022
When can students return to China? May 2022 Update Students have been unable to return to China since 2020 March. Recently a few students from… May 7, 2022
Recruiting students from China The student recruitment market is quite different to other markets around the world and it needs… February 28, 2022
Is going to university worth it in 2022? Is going to university worth it in 2022? As the costs of going to university are… February 2, 2022
How to be a great manager? What makes a great manager? Someone who is able to motivate and inspire others, and able… January 19, 2022
4 Important Factors Influencing International Recruitment of Chinese Students Understanding China "First seek to understand, then to be understood." Stephen Covey China is unique compared… October 16, 2021
The 2 Pillars of Recruiting Chinese students If you are an international university looking to recruit Chinese students. Firstly it is important to… October 16, 2021
The 4 Reasons why Chinese students study abroad I've been interviewing some Chinese students about studying abroad and their motivations basically fall into these… October 16, 2021
3 Reasons Not to Study Business Lots of people want to study business because they want to start or create their own… September 29, 2021
What’s it like studying at Peking University? I made a video about my experiences studying in Peking University. What is it like for… September 20, 2021