Social Media Addiction – Do you control it? Or it controls you? "Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master." - Christian Lous Lange I have to… February 21, 2022
What causes cancer? and how can we prevent it? Cancer affects 1 in 3 people.You probably know people who have been affected by cancer. It's… September 18, 2021
Why is exercise good for you? Exercise is so good for you. I have going through phases of working quite intensely… September 4, 2021
Is coffee good for you? Where does coffee come from? Believed to have originated in Ethiopia, coffee was used in the… August 29, 2021
How do humans work? Understanding our biology This is such an interesting question. I think there can be so many things we can… August 26, 2021
How can we merge with AI to become superhuman? First, let's start with some definitions Definitions What is AI Artificial Intelligence?ย the theory and development… August 25, 2021