The importance of working out at the gym Working out at the gym is incredibly important for me for these reasons: - It strengthens… March 10, 2024
War and peace begins inside all of us We have many battles within ourselves. The battle to take the short term pain Vs the… February 25, 2024
GDP isn’t everything "A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business." Henry Ford It's funny that… February 24, 2024
Ambition in Men Throughout most of human history, the dating / reproduction market has worked like this. As a… February 24, 2024
15 Lessons we can learn from nature There are so many lessons we can learn from nature. Here are some of them: Resource… February 4, 2024
The Mirror Concept of Reality – Change yourself to change the world because reality is a reflection of you The saying "smile at the world and it smiles back" is a metaphorical expression of the… January 31, 2024
盲人摸象 Blind Man Touching the Elephant 盲人摸象 Blind Men Touching an Elephant is an ancient Indian proverb that is well known in… December 1, 2023
Why sleeping on the floor is better than a bed I must be crazy, right. How can sleeping on the floor be good for you? Well… October 16, 2023
Boosting Academic Success through Diet: A Strategy for the Modern Student When I was at school, I always found myself to be sleepy in the mornings -… June 3, 2023
Does Greater Gender Equality lead to Lower Birth Rates? Ask ChatGPT The study I mentioned earlier, conducted by the World Bank in 2011, examined the relationship between… June 1, 2023