Becoming Healthy – 7 Ways Changing My Diet Changed My life

Becoming Healthy – 7 Ways Changing My Diet Changed My life

I’ve always tried to be healthy, but previously I used to go to the gym a fair amount, but it would just make me more and more hungry.

I decided to give up sugar, alcohol, caffeine, bread, here is my experience.


  • Alcohol – I gave up 1 year ago – no benefit, don’t need it, I prefer being as conscious as possible, and also having a small amount had a small hangover so better to have none.
  • Sugar, Bread – I gave up 6 months ago – I read Relentless and Winning by Tim Grover about how elite athletes such as Michael Jordan changed their diet and how it instantly improved their performance.
  • Caffeine – I gave up 1 month ago – it affects sleep, and gradually we become used to it, needing more and more, I was drinking 12 cups a day at one point then gave up completely. Actually if you sleep really well and deep, you don’t need caffeine (you shouldn’t need a stimulant to get you to work), I actually realised caffeine was making me super focused, but I actually didn’t need to be as focused, I should have stepped back, and maybe I didn’t actually need to do that thing I was doing. Think more clearly. Working 10-12 hours a day is not healthy or necessary. I don’t think work should be strenuous or requiring too much effort, but it should be natural. I now do about the same work but much higher quality.

Was it hard?ย 

  • Not really. If you have a solid reason then its not that hard.
  • The funny thing about giving up sugar is that you don’t actually crave it if you don’t have it. I think when you have more sugar, it makes you crave more sugar, but if you stop the chain, you don’t actually need it, same with bread.
  • The big thing about sugar is that it is everywhere. One of the big culprits is fizzy drinks and smoothies and fruit. It’s funny that everywhere restaurants, shops, and marketing is trying to promote low quality food because it’s cheap and profitable.
  • Alcohol – well if you are spending time in groups that need alcohol to have fun then you’re in the wrong group. It also seems to be a way of escape by many people which I think is really unhealthy. I much prefer being conscious, waking up early and thinking clearly.


  • Lost 8 kg weight, despite eating more – I just eat better quality food
  • Less cravings
  • Much better sleep
  • More healthy and energetic – not tired in afternoon
  • Clearer mind
  • More productive

My Meal Plans and Daily Routine

  • Go to the gym in the morning around 6am
  • I skip breakfast, and have 5-6 eggs when I’m hungry at lunch around 1-2pm.
  • I have a bigger meal at 3-4pm. Aiming for 300-400g of protein in the day. Usually steak, sweet potatos, some vegetables.
  • I have a proper meal around 5-6pm, aiming for something to quench hunger. Probably the leftovers, or another meal like chicken and rice.
  • I’ll go for a run around 7-8pm.
  • Go to sleep around 9pm.

Best Books About Diet

The best books I learnt about diet is:

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